«XO» | Sherif Jouifel talks about the emergence of programming systems leading to artificial intelligence

In today’s episode of “XO” on “Nogoum FM,” Sherif Jouifel discussed the early days of programming and operating systems, explaining that it all started in 1943 with the introduction of the first electronic computer, ENIAC.

Sherif Jouifel explained that ENIAC was enormous, occupying an entire room and used for complex mathematical calculations, with programming at that time requiring the connection of specific wires and the adjustment of various keys in a highly intricate process.

He continued, saying, “At the end of the 1940s, the Electronic Delay Storage computer appeared in 1949, marking the first computer to utilize a stored program in memory, as programmers began using binary codes to write programs, thus marking the real onset of programming development.”

He noted that in 1951, the first compiler program was invented, which aimed to translate codes written by programmers into a language that computers could understand.

He revealed the development of the Fortran language in 1957, recognized as the first high-level programming language dedicated to mathematical and scientific computations, adding that simple operating systems began to emerge to manage the basic functions of computers.

He explained that these systems created a fundamental environment for running programs and controlling resources, emphasizing, “By 1960, a programming language named COBOL, or Common Business Oriented Language, was developed, aimed at business and corporate applications. It was easy to read and understand, leading to its widespread adoption in companies.”

“In 1969, two programmers developed the Unix operating system, a multi-platform, open-source operating system that enabled developers to modify and improve it freely,” Jouifel said, noting that it laid the groundwork for subsequent operating systems.

He continued, “In the 1970s, the C language was created by one of the Unix developers. This language combined efficiency and flexibility, serving as a multi-purpose programming language used in the development of operating systems and application software.”

“Operating systems underwent significant development,” Jouifel noted. “DOS began its journey in the early 1980s when IBM announced its intention to launch its first personal computer, the IBM PC. IBM needed an operating system for this new computer and decided to collaborate with Microsoft, a newly emerging company. Microsoft, led by Bill Gates, managed to purchase a simple operating system from a small company, Seattle Computer Products, and named it 86-DOS.”

He added: “Microsoft modified the system, renaming it (Microsoft Disk Operating System), which was presented to IBM in 1981. It was a text-based operating system where users typed commands manually to execute programs and manage files. Compared to today’s operating systems, it was quite simple.”

He explained that the advantages of the DOS system lay in its user-friendliness and simplicity, which facilitated its rapid adoption. Users could control their devices by entering straightforward commands like “DIR” to display files in the directory, “COPY” to duplicate files, and “DEL” to remove files, providing a basic environment for program execution and resource management.

“In 1985, Microsoft introduced the most renowned operating system in history, Windows, which utilized a graphical interface. Instead of typing commands, users could click icons with a mouse. This system revolutionized computer usage and paved the way for numerous innovations in software development. The C++ language also emerged, improving organization in programming and easing the management of extensive code bases,” said Jouifel.

He explained: “The C++ language gained immense popularity in developing large applications and games, while Apple began crafting its own operating system tailored for professionals in design and the arts.”

Java Language

He also highlighted the emergence of the Java language in the 1990s, noting its significance as a major advancement, being the first programming language capable of running on any device without code modifications. It allowed code to be executed and written across various operating systems, becoming widely recognized for developing extensive applications and web systems.

“Python emerged as one of the most popular programming languages in the world due to its ease of learning and readability. It is now utilized in multiple fields, including data analysis, machine learning, web development, and education. It is an ideal language for beginners yet powerful enough for substantial projects,” Sherif Jouifel explained.

Sherif discussed the launch of the Mac OS system in the early 2000s, introduced in 2001, with many versions subsequently released, explaining, “All Mac devices now entirely depend on the Mac OS X system, which also gave rise to iOS, in addition to new and advanced programming languages like JavaScript, which has become essential for developing website front ends and an integral part of modern web technologies.”

Artificial Intelligence

Jouifel also addressed the rise of artificial intelligence, emphasizing its significant role in simplifying the programming process and enhancing application performance. Modern software development tools now leverage artificial intelligence to analyze code and offer suggestions to programmers, detecting code errors and proposing solutions, while also helping to improve program performance.

He noted that artificial intelligence is utilized in game development, aiding in the design of intelligent characters and enemies that behave more naturally within games.

Evolution of Programming: A Journey Through Time

In today’s episode of “XO” on “Nogoum FM”, Sherif Jouifel spoke about the early beginnings of the world of programming and operating systems, explaining that the launch was in 1943, with the emergence of the first electronic computer such as ENIAC.

The Dawn of Electronic Computers

Sherif Jouifel mentioned that ENIAC was very large in size, occupying an entire room and was originally used to provide complex mathematical solutions. Programming during that era involved intricate processes, including connecting specific wires and adjusting keys.

The Birth of Stored Programs

By the end of the forties, the Electronic Delay Storage computer appeared in 1949. This was the first computer to utilize a program stored directly in memory, allowing programmers to use binary codes for programming. This advancement marked the onset of meaningful progress in programming development.

Pioneering Compiler Technology

In 1951, the invention of the first “compiler” program revolutionized programming. The compiler’s role was to convert the codes written by programmers into a form the computer could understand, a significant change that laid the groundwork for future programming languages.

The Rise of High-Level Languages

The development of the Fortran language in 1957 further modernized programming, establishing itself as the first high-level programming language geared toward mathematical and scientific operations. This advancement coincided with the emergence of simple operating systems that provided basic environments necessary for running these programs.

Business-Oriented Languages

By 1960, COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed, aimed at business and corporate applications. Its ease of reading and understanding contributed to its widespread popularity among companies.

The UNIX Revolution

In 1969, two programmers developed the Unix operating system, a groundbreaking multi-platform, open-source OS that allowed developers to modify and innovate freely. This OS became the foundation for many subsequent operating systems.

Introduction of the C Language

The 1970s saw the birth of the C language, created by one of the Unix developers. This language combined efficiency with flexibility, suitable for operating systems and application software development.

The DOS Era

The early 1980s introduced DOS (Disk Operating System) when IBM sought an operating system for its first personal computer, the IBM PC. Microsoft collaborated with Seattle Computer Products to acquire and modify an existing system, creating Microsoft Disk Operating System, which debuted in 1981.

Transition to Graphical Interfaces

DOS was text-based, requiring users to type commands like “DIR” to display files, which proved efficient yet fundamental. In 1985, Microsoft transformed user interaction by releasing Windows, a graphical interface that utilized mouse clicks and icons.

The Advent of C++ Language

The C++ language emerged during the same period, facilitating the development of larger applications and enhancing programming organization. Meanwhile, Apple began its journey into developing its own user-friendly operating system targeting creative fields.

The Java Era

The 1990s welcomed Java, a groundbreaking language that could run on various devices without modification. Its versatility made it a staple in developing large applications and web systems, leading to its rapid adoption.

The Rise of Python

Python rose to fame due to its simplicity and readability, making it a favored choice for beginners and professionals alike. Its versatility spans data analysis, machine learning, and web development, positioning it as a critical language in modern programming.

Mac OS and the 2000s

The Mac OS debuted in 2001, evolving through various versions. This OS now powers all Mac devices while forming the backbone of iOS and introducing advanced programming languages like JavaScript, which plays a major role in front-end web development.

Artificial Intelligence in Programming

Artificial intelligence has taken center stage in programming, enhancing software performance and simplifying code management. Modern development tools leverage AI to analyze programming errors and provide efficient solutions.

The Future of Programming

The application of AI extends to game development, where it creates intelligent characters that behave naturally. With ongoing advancements, the programming landscape continues to evolve, ushering in a new era of technological development.

Key Milestones in Programming History

Year Milestone Technology/Language
1943 First Electronic Computer ENIAC
1949 Stored Program Concept EDSAC
1951 Introduction of Compilers Compiler Development
1957 First High-Level Language Fortran
1960 Business Programming Language COBOL
1969 Open-Source OS Development Unix
1981 Introduction of DOS MS-DOS
1985 Graphical User Interface Windows
1990s Multi-Platform Language Java
2000s Advanced OS and Languages Mac OS, JavaScript
Present AI Integration in Development AI Tools



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