Xia Liyan’s visit to China and Tsai Ing-wen: Sending the wrong message to the world

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, led a delegation to visit mainland China today. DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen said that at this moment, the Kuomintang still insisted on going to the other side, which disappointed the people. Tsai Ing-wen said that the actions of the Kuomintang sent a wrong message to the international community; she wanted to warn the Kuomintang that it was the never-sleep national army who really carried the burden.

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, led a delegation to visit mainland China today. Tsai Ing-wen, chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, said that the Kuomintang still insists on going to China at this moment, which is disappointing to the people.  (Photo by Central News Agency)

Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang, led a delegation to visit mainland China today. Tsai Ing-wen, chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, said that the Kuomintang still insists on going to China at this moment, which is disappointing to the people. (Photo by Central News Agency)

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out in a speech at the Central Executive Committee of the DPP today that Taiwan has never faced fewer internal and external challenges.

She said that in terms of the external situation, since last week, China’s military exercises around the Taiwan Strait, coupled with the complex threat of information warfare, the national army is defending the country on the front line, and the government is fully aware of the situation. In the face of China’s military exercise, the Taiwanese people are even more calm, mature and confident, and they support the national army very much.

Tsai Ing-wen said, but at the moment when China launched military exercises, the Kuomintang even disregarded the persuasion of the Mainland Affairs Council and insisted on going to mainland China, and said that it would provoke a heavy burden.

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that she wants to warn the Kuomintang that the real burden is the lack of sleep, there is no way to reunite on Father’s Day, and all the national troops who stick to the front line and defend national security.

Tsai Ing-wen said that just this morning, mainland China disregarded the reality on both sides of the strait and released a white paper wishful thinking, reaffirming one country, two systems, and not giving up the use of force against Taiwan. The purpose is to wave at the very few Taiwanese political parties and people who are afraid of mainland China and intend to compromise while intimidating Taiwan with force.

She believes that the Kuomintang still insists on going to mainland China at this moment, which is disappointing to the people. What the Kuomintang did is sending a wrong message to the international community. To make it clear here, she said, what the people of Taiwan want is “We want peace, we don’t provoke or escalate conflict, but defend sovereignty and national security, and Taiwan will never back down.

(Editor-in-Chief: Zhuang Yanyu)

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