Xi Jinping: “Cult-style” star chasing must not be left alone

(Central News Agency, Taipei, 16th) China has been in a regulatory storm since last year, including rectifying the capital chain behind the “fan economy”. Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, said at an internal meeting earlier that it is necessary to deal with “cult-style” star-chasing and “fan circle” chaos. We must regulate the elephants, “yin and yang contracts”, etc., and never let them go.

On December 6 last year, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China conducted the 35th collective study on building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. The CPC Central Committee’s “Seeking Truth” magazine published the original text of Xi Jinping’s speech yesterday.

Xi Jinping mentioned that China’s rule of law system still has shortcomings and deficiencies, mainly including the incomplete legal norm system, the weak points and blank areas of relevant legal systems in key fields and emerging fields, and the construction of a socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, the current and future period. We need to do a lot of work, including speeding up legislation in key areas.

He said that it is necessary to strengthen legislation in important areas such as national security, technological innovation, public health, biosecurity, ecological civilization, and risk prevention, and accelerate the pace of legislation in areas such as digital economy, online finance, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing. Improve the legal system that is urgently needed for national governance and meet the people’s growing needs for a better life,” and strengthen legislation in the field of people’s livelihood.

He said that for the prominent problems in the entertainment industry such as telecom and Internet fraud, new drug crimes, “cult-style” star chasing, “fan circle” (fan circle) chaos, “yin-yang contract” and other prominent problems in the entertainment industry, we must start from perfecting the law. Regulations, filling regulatory loopholes, must not be left alone.

China was hit by a regulatory storm last year, with the film and television, education, Internet, real estate and other industries bearing the brunt of the storm. In the entertainment industry, a number of performers who have “lost morality” and even violated the law have been banned and taxed, causing concern; the authorities have stepped up efforts to rectify the capital chain behind the manipulation of the “fan economy”.

At the same time, Chinese technology giants such as Alibaba were fined and rectified one after another last year for monopolizing the market.

In this regard, Xi Jinping pointed out in this collective study, “In recent years, the problem of disorderly expansion of capital has become more prominent, and the brutal growth of some platform economies, digital (bit) economies, and lack of supervision have brought many problems. It is necessary to accelerate the promotion of anti-monopoly laws, The revision of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, etc., will speed up the improvement of relevant legal systems.” (Editor: Zhou Huiying / Shen Pengda) 1110216

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