“Xbox Adaptive Joystick” is a controller accessory packed with Xbox’s accessibility ideas. Try out the actual machine in Germany[gamescom]

New products announced by Microsoft on August 21, 2024 (overseas time) include the「Xbox Adaptive Joystick」, designed to meet the needs of gamers with limited mobility.The Joystickis.

This product is designed for Xbox controllers and Xbox Adaptive Controllers. TheWired Accessoriesfeatures an easy-to-handle shape and weight, button remapping via the Xbox Accessories app, and a highly customizable design that considers various playing environments.

I attended a presentation on this new product on August 22nd at the Microsoft business booth at gamescom 2024 in Germany, where I learned about the development process and the features of this accessory.

The presentation was delivered by Kaitlyn Jones, Senior Accessibility Product Manager at Xbox, and Chris Kujawski, Principal Designer on the Industrial Design Team.

The Xbox Adaptive Joystick was developed based on feedback regarding the Xbox Adaptive Controller, which was first released in 2018 (and in Japan in 2020).

Xbox states that it sought input from as many individuals involved as possible, and many users expressed that they were looking for an affordable joystick to use with their controller. After receiving this feedback, the team initiated a new project. Engaging with various groups and player communities further highlighted the value of this initiative.

Since then, they have conducted research and testing for many years in collaboration with accessibility experts, related organizations, and hospitals that utilize the device. Physically disabled gamers tested the prototype, which led to adjustments in the overall design and button layout based on their feedback, resulting in a shape that is user-friendly with either hand, including a thumbstick, four buttons, and two buttons for bumper and trigger control.

These designs and customization options originated from ideas generated during a hackathon held by the product’s design team, serving as a solid foundation for future projects.

Thumbnail image of Image Gallery No. 002 / The 'Xbox Adaptive Joystick' is a controller accessory packed with Xbox's accessibility ideas. Try out the actual machine in Germany[gamescom]

The product features include:Screw holes for joints on the bottom of the main unit. This allows the device to be attached to an arm or tripod that can be secured to a desk or chair, enabling the device to be used while playing games.You can operate it without always holding the joystick. Additionally, one of the main reasons for making the accessory wired is to eliminate the need for components that affect weight, such as batteries and Bluetooth adapters.

Moreover, thumbstick toppers can be customized to the desired shape through 3D printing. There are six types of toppers available for design in the Xbox Design Lab, with adjustable shape, width, and height. Users can design their own toppers and create free 3D printing files.
This allows players to create sticks of a size and shape that are comfortable to use with their elbows, feet, chin, etc.

Though accessibility has been promoted for some time by organizations and hospitals with the required technology, the central theme of this product is to make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their knowledge or experience with 3D technology. This emphasizesChoice and flexibility.

Thumbnail image of Image Gallery No. 003 / The 'Xbox Adaptive Joystick' is a controller accessory packed with Xbox's accessibility ideas. Try out the actual machine in Germany[gamescom]

Choice and flexibility are fundamental concepts in the use of the Xbox Adaptive Joystick.
The development team primarily introduces the product, statingI won’t explain how to use it. Instead, they emphasize the voices of existing users, enabling new users with similar needs to gain insights from their experiences andExplore the settings independently and deepen their understanding of adaptiveproducts. They aim not only to support those in need but also to enhance users’ creativity.

Thumbnail image of Image Gallery No. 004 / The 'Xbox Adaptive Joystick' is a controller accessory packed with Xbox's accessibility ideas. Try out the actual machine in Germany[gamescom]

During the presentation, I had the opportunity to try out a game with the actual device, and the experience of holding and using it was reminiscent of the nostalgic Wii Nunchuck. It is lightweight, making it easy to use with either hand; when attached to a desk or chair arm, it bears a resemblance to a car’s shift lever, which adds to its comfort.

Furthermore, the enjoyable aspect lies in finding your own ways to utilize it rather than simply being given a prescribed use. I felt a genuine sense that this product values choice and flexibility while boosting the user’s creativity.

The product is expected to be released in early 2025 at a price of $29.99.

Photo: Xbox booth at gamescom 2024

Thumbnail image of Image Gallery No. 005 / The 'Xbox Adaptive Joystick' is a controller accessory packed with Xbox's accessibility ideas. Try out the actual machine in Germany[gamescom]

Introducing the Xbox Adaptive Joystick: Microsoft’s Latest Innovation for Accessible Gaming

On August 21, 2024, Microsoft unveiled a significant addition to its gaming accessibility lineup: the Xbox Adaptive Joystick. This innovative controller accessory has been thoughtfully designed to cater to the needs of gamers with limited mobility, bridging the gap in gaming accessibility and providing a new avenue for inclusive gaming experiences.

Xbox Adaptive Joystick at gamescom

Overview of the Xbox Adaptive Joystick

The Xbox Adaptive Joystick is specifically designed to be fully compatible with Xbox controllers and the existing Xbox Adaptive Controllers. Key features include:

  • Wired Accessories: Eliminates the need for batteries or Bluetooth, ensuring a lightweight and user-friendly experience.
  • Customizable Button Remapping: Adjust button configurations easily through the Xbox Accessories app, making it adaptable for various gaming situations.
  • Ergonomic Design: Developed with a shape and weight that facilitates easy handling, suitable for a range of mobility levels.

This product represents a culmination of years of feedback and research, driven by input from the gaming community, therapists, and accessibility advocates. During a presentation at the Microsoft booth at gamescom 2024 in Germany, Kaitlyn Jones, Senior Accessibility Product Manager, and Chris Kujawski, Principal Designer of the Industrial Design Team, shared their insights into its development process.

The Inception of the Xbox Adaptive Joystick

The idea for the Xbox Adaptive Joystick stemmed from community feedback regarding the Xbox Adaptive Controller, which made its debut in 2018. Microsoft recognized a call for a user-friendly joystick that caters specifically to gamers with varying degrees of physical ability.

Throughout its development, Microsoft collaborated closely with accessibility experts, hospitals, and users with disabilities, conducting countless prototypes and testing sessions. The team meticulously tailored the joystick’s design, resulting in an inclusive accessory that features:

  • A comfortable thumbstick
  • Four customizable buttons
  • Two additional buttons for bumper and trigger control

The ability to customize designs came from brainstorming sessions held during product design hackathons, ensuring the product not only meets needs but inspires future innovations in gaming accessibility.

Xbox Adaptive Joystick features

Key Features and Capabilities of the Xbox Adaptive Joystick

The Xbox Adaptive Joystick comes packed with features that enhance usability and flexibility:

Screw Holes for Custom Mounting

The joystick includes screw holes at the bottom, allowing it to be securely attached to various mounts such as desks, chairs, or arms, enabling users to game comfortably without the need to hold the joystick continuously.

Customizable Thumbstick Toppers

Players can personalize their gaming experience by designing thumbstick toppers through the Xbox Design Lab. With six customizable shapes available, gamers can create toppers tailored to their personal comfort and operational preference, whether using their elbows, feet, or chin.

Accessible to All

One of the cornerstone philosophies behind the Xbox Adaptive Joystick is democratizing access to gaming. The design process involved gathering feedback from actual users, aiming to dismantle barriers often associated with utilizing adaptive technology. The product emphasizes the choice and flexibility users have in customizing their gaming experience.

Gamers using Xbox Adaptive Joystick

Real User Insights and Benefits

During the event, I had the opportunity to experience the Xbox Adaptive Joystick firsthand. Holding and using it was reminiscent of the Wii Nunchuck, providing an incredibly lightweight and manageable experience that anyone could enjoy.

Adding to its innovative design, the adaptive joystick also encourages users to explore and develop their gaming techniques independently. By emphasizing the voices and experiences of existing users, Microsoft hopes to foster an engaging community where creativity and adaptive strategies can flourish.

Practical Tips for Gamers

  • Utilize the Xbox Accessories app to remap buttons and find configurations that work best for you.
  • Experiment with different thumbstick topper designs to discover the best fit for your game style.
  • Engage with the community to share techniques and strategies that enhance your gaming experience.
User testing Xbox Adaptive Joystick

Summary of Features

Feature Description
Wired Design Lightweight and free from batteries; perfect for accessibility.
Button Remapping Easily customizable through the Xbox Accessories app.
Screw Holes Allows for secure mounting to desks or chairs, enhancing usability.
Custom Thumbstick Toppers Personalize your gaming experience with 3D printed designs.

The Xbox Adaptive Joystick is expected to release in early 2025 at a price of $29.99, promising to enrich gaming experiences for many players around the globe.

Xbox booth at gamescom 2024



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