Xavier Niel engages Iliad in the AI ​​challenge for its subsidiary Scaleway

2023-12-11 17:46:43

Published on Dec 11 2023 at 6:46 p.m.

A key player in European telecoms and an outsider in online computing, the Iliad group knows the differences between these two markets better than anyone. Partitioned behind national borders, the “telcos” are as regulated as the cloud is a global wild west dominated by American cowboys. But nothing to scare the entrepreneur Xavier Niel after his success in Internet boxes.

At the forefront of French-style artificial intelligence (AI), the billionaire is banking on recent developments in this technology to boost the Scaleway subsidiary, specializing in the online rental of computer power. Created in 2005 under the name “Dedibox”, the company today employs nearly 600 people. Four years ago, it only had 200. And this is perhaps just the beginning… Its parent company has just written it a check for 100 million euros, the equivalent of its figure of business 2023. Never will it have had so many means at its disposal to grow.

#Xavier #Niel #engages #Iliad #challenge #subsidiary #Scaleway

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