WWE NXT Recap: Mustafa Ali, Wes Lee, and Tyler Bate Secure a Victory; Seth Rollins Accepts Bron Breakker’s Challenge; Nathan Frazer Becomes the New Heritage Cup Champion

2023-06-13 07:00:00

WWE NXT, Orlando, Floride, 13 juin 2023!

The commentators are Vic Joseph and Booker T.

– WWE NXT kicks off with a memorial image of the Iron Sheik. The Schism is in the ring for the first match.

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Schism (Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid) accompanied by Ava vs Mustafa Ali, Wes Lee et Tyler Bate

At the end of the fight, the Schism Triple Powerbombs Lee and covers him, but a second referee stops the tag as Gacy was not the legal man. Ali pushes Reid and Fowler out of the ring. Ali gives Reid a Tornado DDT at the bottom of the ring. Lee launches a suicide jump on Fowler. Bate makes a Clothesline to Gacy and continues with his Tyler Driver 97 for the account of three.

Winners: Mustafa Ali, Wes Lee and Tyler Bate

– Behind the scenes, Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak review Thea Hail’s last game. Hail says despite her mistakes she won. Dempsey says she’s going to be eaten alive tonight. The three begin to argue. Duke Hudson arrives and calms everyone down. Hudson calls Andre Chase and he goes to voicemail, Hudson asks him when he’ll be back.

Source Breaker arrives in the ring and takes the microphone. Breakker says he made headlines last week. By beating Europe’s best wrestler and challenging RAW’s biggest Superstar. From now on everyone will face what they say. Ilja Dragunov hit a wall once morest him. Seth Rollins says he is the best, but that will be until Seth comes to face him. Where is Seth Rollins? He does not see it.

Ilja Dragunov arrives, but is held back by officials. Breakker tells the officials to take Dragunov out because Dragunov is not his level. Breakker says everyone will be responsible for his words.

We find Seth Rollins on the TitanTron. Rollins says the two are former NXT Champions, and now a WWE Champion. Breakker thinks he can shout his name twice and he’s going to come and defend his title. It doesn’t work that way here, but he likes Breakker’s approach. He’s been in the Breakker position before, he too wanted to make some noise to make a name for himself. Would be nice to go back to where it all started, go back home. He can’t believe he’s going to say it, but the challenge is accepted! Next week he will return to the house he built to defend his title once morest Bron Breakker at NXT.

Breakker stays in the ring with Rollins’ song playing and the crowd singing.

– We present a video on the career of Dana Brooke.

– Backstage, McKenzie asks Dana Brooke how long we will see her on NXT. Brooke says she’ll stay as long as she wants. She’s on RAW, but she just loves being in the ring no matter where. She’s back home where it all started now. Cora Jade arrives and says she would have won the battle royal if it wasn’t for Brooke. Brooke says Jade has to blame herself. Jade says no one likes Brooke here, so she can just leave. Jade slaps her before leaving.

– Backstage, Wes Lee, Mustafa Ali and Tyler Bate celebrate their victory. Lee says it would have been different if it wasn’t for the referee. Bate says the important thing is that they won. Ali says Lee is right, the outcome of the match would have been much different if it wasn’t for the referee. We all know the next step, a match for the North American title once morest Lee and Bate. Everyone wants a decisive winner for this game, so he might be the special referee. Bate and Lee approve. Bate invites the three to the restaurant to celebrate.

Thea Hail accompanied by Duke Hudson vs Cora Jade

At the end of the fight, Hail wants to do a suicide jump, but Jade punches her to block her. Dana Brooke approaches the ring, but Jade punches her away. Jade takes her wooden stick, but the referee takes it away. Brooke takes the opportunity to push Jade once morest the steel step. Hail brings Jade back into the ring and applies a Kimura Lock to her to knock her out.

Winner: Thea Hail via submission

– We present a video on the Heritage Cup.

– Commentators announce that the winner between Baron Corbin and Ilja Dragunov tonight will face Carmelo Hayes for the title in two weeks on NXT.

– The pugilists are in the ring for the next match. Noam Dar is on crutches. Dar says he’s here as a victim. Nathan Frazer knows he has no chance, so Frazer attacked and injured him in the parking lot. It is for this reason that Mensah will defend his honor and his cut to make him pay.

Heritage Cup Championship

Oro Mensah (c) accompanied by the Noam Dar clan vs Nathan Frazer accompanied by Dragon Lee

At the end of the fight, it’s 1-1 in the score in round 4. Jackson gets on the apron to distract the referee and Legend takes the opportunity to hold Frazer. Now Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz arrive to repel the two wrestlers. Frazer continues with his Phoenix Splash on Mensah for the count of three.

Winner and new champion: Nathan Frazer

– We present a video on Lyra Valkyria who explains refusing to give up and continuing her quest to be champion.

– Backstage, Jacy Jayne and Elektra Lopez were watching the video. The wrestlers argue. Lola Vice arrives and tells Jayne that Valkyria eliminated her too. Vice says she doesn’t like many people here, but she does like Lopez. Lopez says they’ll see what they can do.

– Behind the scenes, Von Wagner and Robert Stone talk regarding therapy saying Wagner is improving. Dijak walks past and tells Wagner to portray a real winner. Stone tells Wagner not to mind. Stone asks Wagner why he hasn’t told his therapist regarding the photo yet. Wagner says he doesn’t trust his therapist yet. Stone asks him who he will trust then. Wagner replies Stone.

2-On-1 Handicap Match

Dabba-Kato vs Axiom and Scrypts

At the end of the fight, Scrypts manages to Moonsault Kato to keep him down. Axiom continues with his Golden Ratio on Kato for the count of three.

Winners: Axiom and Scrypts

– After the fight, Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza burst through the crowd to beat up Axiom and Scrypts!

– In a video, we see an investigation by Channing Lorenzo who wants to try to understand who scammed Tony D’Angelo. Lorenzo says the only option is Gallus. Gallus was too afraid of losing, so they decided to send D’Angelo to prison. Lorenzo says he has to find a way to get D’Angelo out of jail and have the title match.

– Behind the scenes, Duke Hudson is with Thea Hail. Hudson says he’s proud of Hail. She was able to stand up, train, and soon become NXT’s youngest NXT Champion. Hudson says Hail will do it in two weeks and next week he’s going to have a motivational session. Tiffany Stratton says her underrated story is sweet, but Hail won’t be able to win. Dempsey and Gulak arrive saying that Hail should spend time in the gym and not on his motivation. Hail says she will do both.

Edris Enofe vs Malik Blade

At the end of the fight, Enofe superplexes Blade and wants to cover him, but Blade knocks him down into a quick count for the win.

Winner: Malik Blade

– After the fight, the two shake hands saying they love each other. Booker T takes the mic and says he just got a breaking newz. It’s time to get down to business. Blade/Enofe, Jensen/Briggs and Hank/Tank will have a match next week to become tag team title contenders. The three duos begin to attack each other in the ring. On the podium, Garza and Carrillo declare that they want to win in the tag team division.

– Behind the scenes, Damon Kemp discusses with the referee of his match to explain to him that he had his foot on a cable. Eddy Thorpe arrives and criticizes him saying he is fighting with the referees now. Kemp says his foot was on the cable, everyone saw it. Thorpe says Kemp can pick any stipulation he wants and they’ll face off once more.

– We present a video on Blair Davenport who says he changed the future on this parking lot of NXT. His road to the top will be easy.

Roxanne Perez vs Tatum Paxley

At the end of the fight, Paxley blocks a Leg Sweep from Perez. Paxley throws her into the cables, but Perez blocks her and gives her a Sunset Flip for the count of three.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

– After the fight, Perez takes the mic and says Davenport has been hiding in the shadows for too long. She’s not afraid of Davenport. Davenport can hide as she wants, she’ll find Davenport.

– Behind the scenes, Gigi Dolin chats with Fallon Henley regarding Jacy Jayne and Kiana James.

– We present a presentation video on Lucien Price and Bronco Nima.

NXT title contender

Ilja Dragunov vs Baron Corbin

At the end of the fight, Dragunov knocks down a Slam into DDT. Dragunov continues with a Suplex and an Uppercut. Dragunov launches for his Torpedo Moscow, but Bron Breaker arrives and it is he who takes the hit! Corbin takes the opportunity to grab Dragunov and give him his End of Days for the count of three.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the fight, Breakker begins to fight with Dragunov in ringside. Carmelo Hayes comes in from the other side to attack Corbin and finish with his Leg Drop from the corner. The show ends with a celebration of Hayes.

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