Wuhan Sporting Goods Store Sets New Benchmark with Record-Breaking Sales Amidst Thriving Sports Events

At 9:30 a.m., as soon as the Decathlon Sporting Goods store in the National Fitness Center of Wuhan, Hubei, opened, customers poured in. At the entrance of the store, the store manager Xie Xiaoyan had already changed into work clothes, wearing a work badge, and greeted customers with a smile. “Such a large flow of customers has become the norm in the store recently,” said Xie Xiaoyan.

The outstanding performance of Chinese athletes at the Paris Olympics was impressive. “The men’s medley relay was so exciting, it inspired my passion for swimming. Please recommend me a pair of swimming goggles with myopia.” After entering the store, customer Hu Yu went straight to the swimming merchandise area and consulted Xie Xiaoyan.

Hu Yu is a sports enthusiast and a frequent customer of this store. “Some of my previous swimming equipment is old, so I plan to buy some new ones today,” said Hu Yu.

“We have two types of swimming goggles with different myopia degrees, one is 59.9 yuan and the other is 159.9 yuan.” Xie Xiaoyan patiently introduced the products to Hu Yu, “Due to the different materials, wearing comfort and anti-fog effects of the swimming goggles, the prices will also vary.”

After comparing and trying on, Hu Yu finally chose a pair of suitable swimming goggles and bought a smear pen to prevent the lenses from fogging up. “Our store has a wide variety of sports products, and there is a swimming pool on the 4th floor. If you buy an annual pass, it only costs 25 yuan per swim. Many customers buy equipment in the store and go swimming directly,” Xie Xiaoyan introduced.

After helping Hu Yu pay at the automatic cashier counter, Xie Xiaoyan was called away by another customer. “I want to see tennis rackets,” said customer Han Shuaijie. “I’ve always wanted to learn tennis, and after watching Zheng Qinwen’s wonderful performance at the Paris Olympics, I finally decided to buy some tennis equipment and start learning.”

“We have three levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced, with six weights of tennis rackets to choose from.” In the tennis equipment area, Xie Xiaoyan introduced that the store not only has its own brand of rackets, but also sells some tennis brand products commonly seen in the Olympic arena.

At Xie Xiaoyan’s suggestion, Han Shuaijie finally chose a racket priced at 249.9 yuan and bought a bucket of balls. “If you want to change to a mid-to-high-end racket or buy other products as your skills improve, you are welcome to come to our store again.” Before Han Shuaijie left, Xie Xiaoyan did not forget to recommend.

“In August, sales of tennis balls increased by 40% compared to the same period last year, and badminton balls also increased by 25%.” Xie Xiaoyan said, “Some tennis balls and badminton balls were bought by customers as soon as they were put on the shelves. Sometimes we have to restock them several times a day. We used to put tennis balls at the back of the store, but now we have moved them to the middle area to make it easier for customers to find them.”

In addition to products in the popular sports field, the outstanding performances of athletes such as Zheng Haohao and Deng Yawen have also boosted the sales of products in emerging sports fields such as skateboards and BMX. In the skateboard product area, customer Xiang Zhen is choosing a skateboard with her 3-year-old son. “After watching the Olympic Games this year, I want my child to try this sport.” Xiang Zhen said that she found that the number of children around her who are learning emerging sports is gradually increasing.

After consulting Xie Xiaoyan, Xiang Zhen finally chose a 169.9 yuan children’s adjustable skateboard. “In the past, the sales of these emerging sports products were not good. After the Paris Olympics, more than 10 parents brought their children to buy them every day,” said Xie Xiaoyan.

In August this year, the sales of various sports goods in the store increased to varying degrees. “The single-day turnover in August exceeded 200,000 yuan, a record high since the store opened.” Xie Xiaoyan pointed to the people playing badminton nearby and said that the store has opened badminton, table tennis and basketball courts, and many regular customers come to exercise every day during this period.

It is not just the Decathlon sports venues, the sports venues of Wuhan National Fitness Center are sometimes “hard to book”. “The center’s venues are hotly booked, and more and more sports enthusiasts have changed from spectators to participants.” Ge Xingyu, assistant director of Wuhan National Fitness Center, said that by watching various sports events, citizens not only enjoy high-level sports competitions, but also increase their interest in participating in sports activities. According to statistics, in August, an average of nearly 20,000 citizens went to Wuhan National Fitness Center for training and fitness every day, an increase of 45% over the same period last year. It is estimated that more than 4 million citizens will participate in training and fitness throughout the year.


Sports consumption has great development potential

Sports events are held in scenic spots, people travel with events, and leisure sports are popular… As my country’s consumer market continues to upgrade, people’s sports consumption demand potential continues to be released, and the purchase of sportswear, sports equipment and the expenditure of watching various sports games have become part of daily consumption. The holding of various sports events has pushed people’s enthusiasm for sports consumption to a new climax.

Meituan data shows that during the Paris Olympics, sports-related searches increased by nearly 60% year-on-year, and related order volume increased by 168%, with consumers aged 20-30 accounting for nearly 50%.

The “Opinions on Promoting High-Quality Development of Service Consumption” recently issued by the State Council has made arrangements to stimulate the vitality of sports consumption, proposing specific measures such as increasing sports consumption venues, encouraging the holding of various sports events, and deepening the pilot work to promote sports consumption. Various places have launched related activities to actively create new hotspots for sports consumption.

“As a typical improvement-type consumption, sports consumption still has a lot of room for development in the future.” Hong Yong, an associate researcher at the E-Commerce Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce Research Institute, said that judging from the general development laws of the consumer market, as people’s needs become more diversified and personalized, the proportion of sports consumption is expected to further increase.

(Reporter Wang Ke)

People’s Daily (12th edition, September 6, 2024)

(Source: People’s Daily Online)

Source: People’s Daily Online

Original title: A sporting goods store in Wuhan, Hubei, achieved a record high single-day turnover in August. Sports events stimulate consumption vitality (Economic stories around us)

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Olympic Fever Boosts Sports Consumption in China

The recent Paris Olympics have left a lasting ⁢impact on‌ the sports industry in⁣ China, with sales of sports equipment and apparel surging to new heights. At ​the Decathlon Sporting Goods​ store in the National Fitness ‍Center of Wuhan, Hubei, customers​ poured in as soon as ​the store opened, with the store ⁣manager Xie Xiaoyan greeting them with a‌ smile. The scene is a testament to the growing⁢ enthusiasm for sports among Chinese citizens, driven in part by the outstanding performances of Chinese athletes at the ⁣Olympics.

Inspiring‍ a New Generation of​ Sports Enthusiasts

Hu Yu, a frequent customer of the Decathlon store, was inspired by the men’s medley relay at the Paris ⁤Olympics and decided to buy a new‍ pair of swimming goggles with myopia correction. ‍Xie Xiaoyan introduced Hu⁢ to two types of swimming goggles with different ‌prices, depending on the materials‌ and ​features. After trying them on, Hu chose a ⁢suitable‌ pair and also bought a smear pen to prevent fogging. This is just ⁢one example of how the Olympics have inspired people ⁢to take up sports, with⁢ many customers ⁤buying equipment and⁣ signing up for annual passes to the store’s ‌swimming pool.

Tennis and Emerging Sports See Surge in ⁤Popularity

The Paris Olympics have also boosted the popularity of tennis, with customer⁤ Han Shuaijie buying a tennis racket ‌and balls after being inspired by Zheng Qinwen’s performance. Xie Xiaoyan introduced Han⁣ to three levels of tennis rackets, ranging from beginner to advanced,‌ and Han finally chose a racket⁤ priced at 249.9 yuan. The store⁤ has seen a 40% increase in sales of tennis balls compared to⁣ the ‌same period⁢ last year, with ‌badminton balls⁤ also‍ seeing a 25% increase.

In addition to traditional ​sports like ⁣tennis and swimming, ⁤emerging sports like ⁣skateboarding and BMX have also‌ seen ⁢a surge in popularity. Customer Xiang Zhen bought a children’s adjustable skateboard for​ her 3-year-old son after being inspired by the Olympic Games. The store has seen⁣ over ​10 parents bringing their children to buy skateboards every day, with sales of emerging sports products increasing significantly.

Sports Consumption on the Rise

The surge in sports consumption is not ⁤limited‍ to the Decathlon store, ‌with the Wuhan National Fitness Center seeing a 45% increase in daily visitors compared to the same period last year. ⁢The center’s sports venues are often fully booked, with citizens enthusiastic about participating in sports activities. According to statistics, an estimated⁣ 4



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