Writer and journalist Ari Shavit: Israel’s basic situation is almost tragic


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The writer and journalist Ari Shavit, author of the book ‘Existential War’ describing what happened to the State of Israel from October 7 to today, shared: “The concept of security has collapsed”

Writer and journalist Ari Shavit, author of the book ‘Existential War’ describing what happened to the State of Israel from October 7th until today, spoke with Aryeh Eldad and Ben Caspit on 103fm and shared his insights.

At the beginning of the conversation he said: “The book is written in a concise manner and I hope it is also powerful. I tried to be matter-of-fact, clean, precise and non-political. What I am actually saying is that Israel’s basic situation is almost tragic, in its first years and in our first decades we had an ingenious concept of security and a national strategy, And in the last 20 years we have lost that, the concept of security has collapsed. The political system has rotted and the army has also succumbed to the pressures of civil society and lost our sharpness, so it is essential for us to formulate a new concept of security.”

“It’s not a war against Hamas, it’s a war against Iran”

“This is not a war against Hamas, it’s a war against Iran. A decade-long war, with a very high danger that is ‘2008’ and in order to win in ‘2008’ we need to organize ourselves to come to our senses and focus as we did in our past. Like the Begin doctrine on the nuclear issue, When we see an emerging threat, we need to initiate a war. But to initiate a war, we need quality leadership that earns the public’s trust and an army that has an offensive capability,” he added.

He also claimed: “76-year-old Israel is much less muscular than it was at the age of ten or twenty. I am a Ben-Gurionist. I propose to create a Ben-Gurion in 2025. I say to the left, forget about peace right now. We live by the sword and will have to fight. And I say to the right. That power is a complex thing, it’s both the Weizmann Institute and Golani, power is not waving a gun on the hills, power is also an alliance with the US and emerging science. I’m a zealous Zionist, I suggest everyone come to their senses.”

At the end of the conversation, he concluded: “We must change the diskette. I’m in favor of the hostage deal, I’m in favor of trying to close the fronts now out of preparation. We must strengthen, we must arm ourselves and build international legitimacy. I’m optimistic. We need to produce a crushing force stronger than the standing force.”

Editing: Eliezer Ben Yehuda


Israel at war – illustration | Photo: David Cohen/Flash90



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