2023-08-29 08:00:03
Writing can change a life. Putting down on paper your emotions, your ideas, your anxieties, can allow you to leave behind certain blockages. This is the principle of therapeutic writing, a method acclaimed by certain psychologists, in order to overcome trauma, get out of depression or cope with illness or bereavement. Or just to help us move forward on a daily basis and get to know each other better.
How to turn pain into words? Today, Priorité Santé highlights this therapy.
- Djaïli Amadou Amal, Cameroonian feminist activist and writer. Prix Goncourt des Lycéens 2020, for his book The Impatientspublished by Decitre
- Nayla Chidiacdoctor in Psychopathology, clinical psychologist, founder of the therapeutic writing workshops at Sainte-Anne Hospital Center, a specialist in psychic trauma in adults. Author of The benefits of writing, the benefits of wordspublished by Odile Jacob
- Florence Prudhommefounder of the NGO Rwanda future. She created “The Memory Workshop” in 2014 and directed the book Memory Notebooks, Kigali, 2014, published by Classiques Garnier.
#Write #healing