Wrinkles on the cheeks: causes and solutions for a younger face.

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2024-10-24 16:15:00

Wrinkles on the cheeks: the basics

Cheek wrinkles also sometimes called “jugal wrinkles” are folds or lines that appear on the skin of the cheeks due to intrinsic aging (time, genetics…) and extrinsic aging (lifestyle).

They are essentially due to repeated contractions of the facial muscles, mainly the zygomatic muscles. Dr. Martine Baspeyras, dermatologist.

These wrinkles form due to repeated facial expressions, such as smiling or laughing…and eventually leave marks and gradually evolve into wrinkles. Details.

Why do cheek lines, also known as smile lines, appear? The causes

Factors linked to natural skin aging

Age : from the age of 25, the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid gradually declines. The skin, and that of the cheeks in particular, naturally becomes thinner and drier, less elastic and less firm.Dehydration : the hydrolipidic film becomes thinner and no longer retains water correctly. The skin dries out and wrinklesLife events (menopause, pregnancy, etc.) : change in skin appearance due to hormonal upheaval.

External factors aggravating the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks

Prolonged exposure to the sun is responsible for photoaging, a process of changing the condition and structure of the skin. The sun’s rays trigger the formation of free radicals which damage collagen and elastin fibers. Tobacco and alcohol consumption: nicotine asphyxiates the skin by altering the oxygenation process of cells. The skin then becomes dry, dull and withers. The same with alcohol, which also promotes dehydration. Chronic stress: it stimulates the action of free radicals in the body and causes oxidative stress, which can be the cause of cellular aging and therefore skin aging. premature.Lifestyle: an unbalanced diet, repeated lack of sleep, poor skin hygiene (ill-suited cosmetic care or lack of makeup removal in the evening, etc.) also have an influence on the appearance of the skin .

Does makeup cause wrinkles to appear on the face?

“Make-up in itself is not specifically conducive to the appearance of additional wrinkles; it rather has the advantage of playing a protective role against external aggressions: pollution, UV rays, etc. Which is important, on the other hand, is to remove makeup before bed to optimize cell multiplication and skin repair mechanisms” expresses the dermatologist, Dr. Baspeyras, also president of the aesthetic dermatology group of the French Society of Aesthetics in Dermatology (SFED ).

Treatment: how to reduce, fill or tighten the skin on the cheeks?

Remember that the choice of treatment(s) considered will depend on the depth of the wrinkles, the skin type and the desired results. “It should also be noted that it is quite difficult to reduce wrinkles located on the cheeks because they are essentially linked to facial expression” underlines dermatologist, Dr. Martine Baspeyras. It’s difficult, in fact, to forbid yourself from laughing, smiling or simply talking. But rest assured, progress is good and certain techniques, ranging from cosmetic treatments to more advanced treatments, can help improve the appearance of the skin. What’s more, if they are used in synergy. For example :

Cosmetic surgery (face lift) : it tightens the underlying tissues and removes excess skin for a smoother and more youthful effect. “Be careful, this solution is however intended for deep wrinkles or for severe sagging. It is an invasive technique, certainly with convincing results but requiring a significant recovery time” warns Dr. Martine Baspeyras.Different injection techniques used alone or combined: “mesotherapy with, for example, unique hyaluronic acid or with cocktails of vitamins and amino acids, injections of fillers to restore lost volume in the cheeks and smooth wrinkles” explains Dr. Martine Baspeyras . “But also, collagen stimulation products to remanufacture collagen and elastic tissue.” Please note: these solutions are temporary, with results lasting on average between 6 and 18 months. “THE botulinum toxin injections, used to relax the muscles responsible for expression lines, including those on the cheeks in particular, are sometimes also associated with these injections but their effect is not prolonged” continues the skin specialist.Peels: “They use chemical acids to exfoliate the top layer of skin, which helps stimulate cell turnover and collagen production, improving texture and reducing superficial wrinkles. Laser and radiofrequency: “the latter uses heat to stimulate the production of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin” explains dermatologist, Dr. Baspeyras.

Most of these methods are also used to treat other facial wrinkles (forehead, crow’s feet, under the eyes, etc.). “These treatments are still of a certain intensity and require medical supervision (dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon, etc.)” warns the dermatologist. We must avoid “fake-injectors“: without any medical qualifications, these people carry out increasingly invasive acts on our fellow citizens (injections of hyaluronic acid, even botox, microneedling, cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, plexr, etc.) putting them in serious danger” recalls the site from the French Association of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine (source 1). “These practices carried out by non-doctors are dangerous and prohibited: we alert people wishing to benefit from this type of injections to their dangers and remind people that only doctors are authorized to carry them out” reports the ANSM website (source 2 ).

Cheek wrinkles: other less intense methods to delay their appearance

Cleaning: wash your skin daily when you get up and go to bed, with water and a soap suitable for your face. “Some cosmetic manufacturers praise the neutral pH (7) but in the case of application to the face, this will not be indicated because it is much too high, the face has a pH 5. On the body it is 6 ” recalls Dr. Martine Baspeyras. She adds: “When you wash your skin, it shouldn’t feel tight. The feeling is important.”Application of topical creams and treatments : among those composed of retinol (active which stimulates the production of collagen and accelerates cell renewal, thus reducing wrinkles), hyaluronic acid (very moisturizing, it repopulates the skin by attracting water in the skin layers, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles), peptides (these small molecules promoting the production of collagen), or even vitamin C (powerful antioxidant which protects the skin against free radical damage and notably stimulates the production of collagen).Facial massages and facial exercises : Regular facial massages and facial gymnastics exercises can stimulate blood circulation and tone underlying muscles, thereby improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles. “This of course remains a complement to other “skin beauty” treatments and procedures” indicates Dr. Martine Baspeyras. Sun protection : Prevention is essential to prevent wrinkles from getting worse over time. Preferably use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF 30 or more).Nutrition and hydration : foods rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.), omega-3 fatty aids (oily fish, flax seeds, etc.) and vitamins C, E, A help preserve skin health and slow down skin aging. Drinking enough water every day is also crucial for keeping the skin hydrated, making it more supple and less prone to wrinkles. Sleep quality: in May 2015, an editor from the British newspaper Daily Mail, Sarah Chalmers, agreed to participate in a study launched by the London Sleep School on the impact of lack of sleep on the skin (source 3). Results: “Beyond the fatigue and difficulty concentrating felt by the journalist, the effects of lack of sleep quickly took shape on her skin. Dark circles, drawn features, dilated pores, imperfections and dull complexion transformed the face of Sarah Chalmers. “Skin doesn’t work the same way during the day and night. If during the day our skin envelope plays its role as a shield and protects the body from external attacks (pollution, UV radiation, etc.) while we sleep, our cells can then devote themselves entirely to their work of repair and restoration. regeneration” means Dr. Martine Baspeyras.

Ultimately, is it really possible and how can you completely get rid of cheek wrinkles?

“It’s impossible knowing that wrinkles, whatever they may be, are part of an inevitable and natural process which is aging” concludes Dr. Martine Baspeyras. Only a few methods used jointly and judiciously can therefore improve the appearance of the skin, including that of the cheeks in particular, but nothing miraculous. Above all, these techniques allow you to age more slowly and harmoniously.

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Interview ​with Dr. Martine Baspeyras on Cheek Wrinkles

Interviewer: ⁣ Thank you for⁣ joining us today, Dr. Baspeyras. Let’s dive straight ​into the topic of cheek‌ wrinkles. What exactly are jugal wrinkles⁣ and ⁤what causes them?

Dr. ⁢Baspeyras: Thank ⁢you⁣ for having me. Cheek wrinkles, also​ known as ⁣jugal wrinkles, are basically the creases that ‍develop on our cheeks as a result of‌ both intrinsic and extrinsic aging.‍ Intrinsic factors include time and genetics, while extrinsic factors​ are ⁣often⁤ linked to lifestyle‍ choices, such as sun exposure or smoking. ​The primary​ cause is the repeated contractions⁢ of facial muscles when‍ we express emotions like laughing and smiling.

Interviewer: You‌ mentioned ⁣factors like age and ‌dehydration. How do ‍these specifically contribute to the formation of these wrinkles?

Dr.‌ Baspeyras: As we ⁤age, ​particularly from around 25 years ‌old, our⁢ body’s production of collagen and hyaluronic acid declines. This results ​in thinner, drier skin ​that lacks elasticity. Dehydration also plays a critical role; the skin’s hydrolipidic film becomes less effective at retaining moisture, leading to dryness and​ increased⁢ wrinkle formation.

Interviewer: Are ​there external factors that can aggravate the appearance of cheek ⁢wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Yes, definitely. Prolonged sun⁣ exposure causes ⁤photoaging, damaging collagen and elastin fibers. Tobacco and alcohol contribute⁤ to skin dryness and premature ‌aging as well. Additionally, stresses from an unbalanced diet, insufficient sleep, and poor skin hygiene can all significantly worsen the appearance ⁤of wrinkles.

Interviewer: So, does ⁢makeup play a role in developing wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Makeup ⁢itself does not cause wrinkles. In fact, it can provide a ‍barrier against environmental aggressors like⁣ pollution and UV rays. However, it’s ‌critically important to remove ⁣makeup ⁤each night. This allows for cell renewal ​and repair, which is essential for maintaining skin health.

Interviewer: What treatment options do you recommend for​ reducing ‌or filling cheek wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: ⁢ The treatment⁤ approach really depends ‌on the depth of the wrinkles and individual needs. In some cases, cosmetic surgery ‌such‍ as a facelift might be suitable for deep wrinkles.⁤ For less invasive options, techniques like hyaluronic ⁣acid fillers, ⁢mesotherapy, and​ laser treatments ⁢can be beneficial. ‍These methods can restore volume⁢ and improve skin ‌texture, ‌but they provide temporary results and must be repeated every few months to a year.

Interviewer: Are ⁣there more‌ gentle methods to‍ help delay the appearance of wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Absolutely! Good skincare is key.⁢ Regular cleansing, using topical creams with ingredients like retinol, hyaluronic acid,⁢ peptides, and vitamin C can significantly help. Also,‌ maintaining sun protection⁣ with a high SPF is‍ essential. Adding facial exercises and massages can help‌ tone the ‌muscles‍ and improve circulation too.

Interviewer: ​ What is your⁣ final piece of advice‌ for someone‌ looking to tackle cheek wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: My ⁤advice would be⁢ to focus on prevention‍ through a balanced lifestyle—eat well, stay‌ hydrated, protect your skin from‌ the sun,⁤ and create a good skincare routine. If considering treatments, ⁤always consult qualified professionals to avoid⁣ unsafe practices.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your insights, Dr. Baspeyras!

Dr. Baspeyras: Thank you for having me!

Interview with Dr. Martine Baspeyras on Cheek Wrinkles

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Baspeyras. Let’s dive straight into the topic of cheek wrinkles. What exactly are jugal wrinkles, and what causes them?

Dr. Baspeyras: Thank you for having me. Cheek wrinkles, often referred to as jugal wrinkles, are the creases that develop on our cheeks due to both intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors. Intrinsic factors include the natural passage of time and genetics, while extrinsic factors are linked to lifestyle choices—like sun exposure and smoking. The main cause is the repeated contractions of facial muscles that occur when we express emotions like laughing and smiling.

Interviewer: You mentioned factors like age and dehydration. How do these specifically contribute to the formation of these wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: As we age, particularly from around 25 years old, our body’s production of collagen and hyaluronic acid declines. This leads to skin that is thinner, drier, and less elastic. Dehydration further exacerbates this issue; the skin’s hydrolipidic film becomes less effective at holding moisture, which contributes to the dryness that promotes wrinkle formation.

Interviewer: Are there external factors that can aggravate the appearance of cheek wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Yes, definitely. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to photoaging, damaging crucial collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Additionally, smoking and alcohol consumption dry the skin out and promote premature aging. Other lifestyle aspects—like a poor diet, inadequate sleep, and poor skin hygiene—can also significantly worsen the appearance of cheek wrinkles.

Interviewer: So, does makeup play a role in developing wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Makeup itself does not cause wrinkles. In fact, it can act as a protective barrier against environmental aggressors such as pollution and UV rays. What’s very important, however, is to remove makeup each night to allow for cell turnover and skin repair, which is essential for maintaining skin health.

Interviewer: What treatment options do you recommend for reducing or filling cheek wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: The treatment approach really depends on the depth of the wrinkles and individual needs. For deeper wrinkles, cosmetic surgery such as a facelift might be suitable. However, there are several less invasive techniques as well, including filler injections, mesotherapy, and various laser treatments. I usually advise patients to explore a combination of these options to achieve the best results. It’s also crucial to have these treatments performed by qualified medical professionals to ensure safety and efficacy.

Interviewer: Dr. Baspeyras, are there preventative measures that people can take to delay the onset of cheek wrinkles?

Dr. Baspeyras: Absolutely! Regular cleaning of the skin, applying hydrating creams with active ingredients like retinol and hyaluronic acid, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in antioxidants can all help. Additionally, facial massages and exercises can support skin elasticity. Sun protection is vital as well; a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 will help prevent further damage. Lastly, staying hydrated and ensuring good sleep quality plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Baspeyras, for your insights and advice on managing cheek wrinkles.

Dr. Baspeyras: Thank you for having me. Remember, while we cannot completely eliminate wrinkles, we can take steps to maintain healthy, youthful skin.

This interview illustrates the complexity behind the causes and treatments of cheek wrinkles while emphasizing the importance of preventative care and professional guidance.

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