Would you have passed the mathematics Matura? The tasks for download

2023-05-03 14:59:00

Traditionally, there are so many fives in no other subject, according to Statistics Austria, more than ten percent of the exams were negative last year. After taking into account the annual grade – the only relief from the Corona years that was taken over into regular operation – and compensatory exams, two percent of the students had “not sufficient” in their school leaving certificate.

“Doable, but more challenging”

This year’s exam was doable, but more demanding than those of previous years, was the tenor of a call by the federal student representation among high school graduates in the state student representatives. It was particularly striking that there were many examples and subject areas that had not been checked in previous years.

The high school graduates probably found the written exam to be more demanding because they had adapted and prepared for other examples, it said. The call for uniform digital tools was also raised once more during the broadcast. According to the Ministry of Education, no problems were reported with the completion of the Matura this time either.

The AHS Mathematics Matura (and the solutions) for download:

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AHS mathematics Matura 2023: The tasks

AHS mathematics Matura 2023: The tasks

PDF file from 05/03/2023 (407.36 KB)

Open PDF

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AHS mathematics Matura 2023: The solutions

AHS mathematics Matura 2023: The solutions

PDF file from 05/03/2023 (278.92 KB)

Open PDF

Incidentally, there is only a uniform mathematics Matura for all pupils at the AHS. In 2021, there were simplifications due to previously fluctuating results, such as a total calculation of all points, easier-to-understand tasks in the second, more in-depth part of the exam and the introduction of half points for some tasks. There is also a “Best-Of” rating, in which only the two tasks with the most points are counted.

Applied mathematics at the BHS

Today, “Applied Mathematics” is tested at vocational high schools (BHS). In addition to a uniform part for all BHS students, there is a second part in which the tasks differ according to branch in the various school types (HTL, educational institution for elementary education, etc.).

  • All Matura tasks can be downloaded at matura-gv.at

Not ready for graduation yet? Try your luck in our math quiz:

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Can you solve these math puzzles?

LINZ. Mathematics is on the agenda for high school graduates in Austria on Tuesday.

Can you solve these math puzzles?

Because of the state holiday in Upper Austria, there is a high school break on Thursday. The German exams will follow on May 5th – all students are required to take this subject (although HTL has a special regulation that only allows an oral German Matura).

After the weekend, the written Matura will continue on May 8th with Spanish or the minority languages ​​Hungarian, Slovenian and Croatian. English will follow on May 9th, French on May 10th and Italian on May 11th.


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