worrying testimonials concerning the Oled screen, but you should not panic

2023-10-17 14:52:41

The iPhone 15 Pro Max seems to be affected by a burn-in problem. How to avoid it and above all why there is no reason to panic yet?

Source: Chloé Pertuis – Frandroid

After the various heating problems, since resolved by an iOS update, the iPhone 15 Pro are affected by another problem. More precisely, it is the iPhone 15 Pro Max that is being singled out.

As reported Zdnetseveral users complain about Apple forum, Reddit and X (formerly Twitter) of concerns of burn-in on their Oled screen. This expression refers to the appearance of an image on the screen after it has been displayed for a long time.

The most common cases seem to be the appearance of a wallpaper image, a keyboard or even certain details of the interface. Here are some examples :

Only the more expensive model, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, seems affected according to reports. In addition, it should be noted that there is not really an avalanche of reports at the moment either. It is therefore important not to panic. The situation could be explained by a quality control issue or by a batch of defective iPhones. For example, we can attest that we did not notice such a problem during our test of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

How to avoid it and what to do if it happens to you?

If you’ve noticed this on your own iPhone 15 Pro Max, the best advice we can give you is simply to go to an Apple Store. Firstit should still be under warranty.

To prevent this from happening to you, let’s start by saying that normally, Apple, like any manufacturer using Oled panels, has had to integrate systems into its device supposed to avoid the burn-in. However, you should be careful of the following thing: any image left static for too long on an Oled screen will necessarily wear out the area in question more quickly. You then take the risk that it will print permanently. The level of brightness should also be monitored: the brighter an Oled panel is, the more it wears out and therefore the greater the risk of printing.

#worrying #testimonials #Oled #screen #panic

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