Worried About Harming the Community, Gerindra Secretary General Asks for Sea Sand Exports to be Postponed

Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani (MI/Susanto)

Indonesian House of Representatives member Ahmad Muzani asked the government to postpone the sea sand export policy. He said it would be better for the government to study it more deeply before executing the policy.

“Yes, I suggest that if possible, the plan to export sea sand should be postponed for now,” said Muzani, as quoted today.

Muzani said, do not let the policy taken by the government regarding sea sand exports actually bring many losses to the community. He also asked the government to consider carefully before taking steps.

“When the harm is greater than the economic income we get, of course it is an activity that will be a burden for our next life. However, if it turns out that the benefits are greater, then it will be considered further,” said the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party.

The politician from the Gerindra Party faction considered it better for the government to first listen to input from environmental activists. Don’t let economic benefits actually bring major damage to the environment.

“We should note that we will face a change and a fairly serious marine ecological problem in the future if this activity is continued: Although from an economic perspective, we will also get benefits and this is a certain value,” added this member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

It is known that the government has officially opened the export tap for sea sand after the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan issued the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 20 of 2024 and Permendag Number 21 of 2024.

The two regulations are derivatives of Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentation Results in the Sea, which was signed by President Joko Widodo in May 2023. (Ykb/P-2)

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