Worldwide Triathlon occasion introduced in Encarnación

Asunción, IP Company.- The exercise that can carry collectively vital leaders of the regional sports activities self-discipline will happen beginning September 15 within the capital of the Division of Itapuá.

That is the II Oscar Galíndez Cup Half Triathlon, which was offered throughout a ceremony within the “Ñanduti” room of the Vacation Inn lodge in Asunción.

The registration interval is already enabled and is split into 3 sections and as much as 2 equal installments, the primary till there are 70 registered in Half Triathlon and 30 in Massive Dash, (Value 700 thousand guaraníes or 90 {dollars} in Half Triathlon); Half Posta for two or 3 members (1,300,000 thousand or 175 {dollars}).

Massive Dash Triathlon (375 thousand or 50 of the American foreign money) and Massive Dash Posta for two or 3 individuals (700 thousand and 95 USD), this primary stage already closes on July 12.

The second part will shut on August 16, additionally it is till 70 registered in Half Triathlon and 30 in Massive Dash are accomplished, (Value 865 thousand guaraníes or 115 {dollars} in Half Triathlon); Half Posta for two or 3 members (1,650,000 thousand or 220 {dollars}). Massive Dash Triathlon (525 thousand or 70 US {dollars}) and Massive Dash Posta for two or 3 individuals (850 thousand and 115 USD).

And the deadline to be a part of this nice worldwide celebration is September 11 and the prices are till reaching 60 registered in Half Triathlon and 40 in Massive Dash, (Value 1,125,000 thousand guaraníes or 150 {dollars} in Half Triathlon) ; Half Posta for two or 3 members (2,100,000 thousand or 280 {dollars}). Massive Dash Triathlon (675 thousand or 90 US foreign money) and Massive Dash Posta for two or 3 individuals (1,125.00 thousand and 150 USD).

Classes starting from 18 to 60 years outdated and over are enabled in Half ladies, males and for males, ladies and combined groups; Massive Dash each branches, highway/chrono class, relays and MTB.

Concerning the approved distances, in Half there will likely be 1.9 kilometers of swimming, 90 of biking and 21 of operating; whereas in Massive Dash it will likely be about 750 meters of swimming, 30 of biking and seven of operating. The primary 3 in all instances will obtain their respective trophies (Basic and by class).

For extra data, contact WhatsApp +54 3571 61-5749.

#Worldwide #Triathlon #occasion #introduced #Encarnación
2024-06-27 00:32:04

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