World’s best fencing Korea! Behind it, SKT, a strong supporter for 20 years – SK Telecom Newsroom

※ This content was produced in collaboration with the Korea Fencing Association.

Korea has established itself as a dominant force in fencing at the Paris Olympics. The Korean fencing team started with a gold medal in the men’s sabre individual event, won by Oh Sang-wook, and continued their success by securing gold in the men’s sabre team event (Koo Bon-gil, Oh Sang-wook, Park Sang-won, Do Kyung-dong), making history with three consecutive Olympic gold medals. In the women’s sabre team event (Yoon Ji-soo, Jeon Ha-young, Choi Se-bin, Jeon Eun-hye), they achieved the first silver medal in a team event, surpassing the bronze medal they won at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Overall, the Korean fencing team won two golds and one silver medal.

These remarkable achievements by the Taegeuk swordsmen of the Republic of Korea were made possible with strong support from SK Telecom over the last 20 years.

SK Telecom has been sponsoring fencing for 21 years since 2003… Full support including the construction of a training facility in Jincheon that replicates the Paris finals and an increase in performance analysts

Many believe that the consistent and systematic support from SK Telecom has been crucial in establishing Korean fencing as one of the world’s best. Since 2003, when fencing was not receiving much attention, SK Telecom has been the chairman of the Korea Fencing Association. With the aim of improving the sport’s competitiveness and broadening its base, the total support provided through the Korea Fencing Association and other means has reached approximately 30 billion won.

However, this was not just financial support. In preparation for the Olympics, SK Telecom collaborated with the Korea Fencing Association to implement systematic support measures in three phases to help national athletes achieve strong results at the Paris Olympics. First, they installed a piste (competition platform) in the Jincheon Athletes’ Village that matched the standard of the Paris Olympic stadium, allowing the athletes to enhance their competitive skills through mock training. The training environment was created to mirror the actual conditions, including audience cheers and lighting, to help them adjust to the competition atmosphere.

A dedicated team, including seven specialized training partners, was sent to Paris along with an increase in performance analysts to maintain a high level of competitiveness. Given that fencing often involves injuries, two medical trainers were dispatched to aid in injury prevention and rehabilitation exercises, ensuring comprehensive management before and after the matches.

SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association secured a hotel near the Olympic fencing stadium at the beginning of the year to serve as a base camp. Additionally, they hired a local Korean restaurant to provide daily lunch boxes, ensuring the athletes received familiar and high-quality meals.

Thanks to SK Telecom’s dedicated sponsorship of fencing, the national team members showcased their exceptional skills in France, the birthplace of fencing. Most importantly, the collaboration between SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association in successfully implementing generational change and identifying new talents allows for optimism regarding future competitions in Los Angeles, Brisbane, and beyond.

Paris Olympics double gold medalist Oh Sang-wook: “I am truly grateful to SK Telecom for their material and spiritual support that helped me achieve the best results.”

The fencing medalists expressed their gratitude for SK Telecom’s sponsorship and the support of the Korean public. Oh Sang-wook, the first Asian to achieve a Grand Slam (including the Olympic Games, World Championships, Asian Games, and Asian Championships), stated, “I sincerely thank SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association for their material and spiritual support that helped me achieve the best results,” adding, “I would like to attribute this gold medal to SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association.” He also mentioned, “SK Telecom generously provided financial support to national team athletes competing internationally and supplied all necessary equipment during the Olympic training period, allowing me to focus on my training.”

Rookie Park Sang-won from the men’s sabre team said, “I was honored and delighted to achieve a gold medal at the Paris Olympics.” He expressed his gratitude, stating, “The training leading up to the gold medal was tough and filled with challenges, but SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association spared no effort in providing me with fencing equipment and support, enabling me to focus on my training and participate in international competitions.”

Jeon Ha-young, the youngest member of the women’s sabre team, expressed her happiness about winning a medal in her first Olympics. “Thanks to SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association for creating a mock setup for the Paris Olympics, I was able to experience the stadium environment in a realistic way, which greatly improved my overall performance.” She added, “The generous support from SK Telecom for my international competitions allowed me to consistently participate in these events, gaining valuable experience that contributed to my silver medal.”

Oh Wan-keun, the director of the Korea Fencing Association, remarked, “Thanks to SK Telecom’s financial support and their long-term development strategy for Korean fencing, we were able to establish a systematic foundation that not only leads the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Sports Council but also the entire sports sector in Korea.” He added, “Fencing has evolved into a model sport, leading Korean sports not only in international competitiveness but also in expanding its domestic participation.” Director Oh expressed his gratitude, saying, “SK Telecom’s strong backing during the Paris Olympics was a significant support for the national team players.”

21 years of dedication to fencing… SK Telecom continues to work hard to develop Korean sports by supporting various lesser-known sports

SK Telecom has focused on providing support for national team members’ overseas training and international competition participation. This aim enhances athletes’ competitiveness and provides necessary support during competitions. To qualify for the Asian Games or Olympics, athletes must accumulate ranking points by participating in competitions organized by the International Fencing Federation, including the Asian Championships, World Championships, and Grand Prix World Cup. SK Telecom has actively supported participation in these international competitions. Since taking over as chairman of the Korea Fencing Association in 2003, the annual ‘SK Telecom International Grand Prix’ has become a critical event for the growth of Korean fencing.

Additionally, the annual President’s Cup National Club Amateur Fencing Championship has been established to popularize fencing in Korea. When this event first took place in 2014, there were 309 participants, but last year the number surged to 1,329, more than quadrupling. The total number of registered amateur athletes is projected to exceed 2,100 in 2023.

This systematic support for the development of fencing and efforts to expand grassroots participation resulted from over 20 years of consistent sponsorship. In recognition of its contributions to establishing the ‘K-Fencing’ brand, SK Telecom was awarded the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award at the 2nd Korea Sports Mecenat Awards in 2021.

World's best fencing Korea! Behind it, SKT_09, a strong support group for 20 years

Amateur athletes attending the ‘2nd SK Sports Dream Tree’ sponsorship ceremony

Furthermore, SK Telecom is sponsoring athletes and promising talents across various sports. Starting in 2022, they have also begun investing in promising middle and high school athletes, including men’s swimming (Hwang Seon-woo) and women’s weightlifting (Park Hye-jeong).

SK Telecom intends to continue supporting the balanced development of sports in Korea and pursue ESG management through sports.

    <p><strong>※ This content was produced in collaboration with the Korea Fencing Association.</strong></p>

    <p>Korea proved itself to be a fencing powerhouse at the Paris Olympics. Starting with the gold medal in the men's sabre individual event by Oh Sang-wook, the Korean fencing team won gold medals in the men's sabre team event (Koo Bon-gil, Oh Sang-wook, Park Sang-won, Do Kyung-dong) and wrote a new history of Korean fencing by winning three consecutive Olympic gold medals. In the women's sabre team event (Yoon Ji-soo, Jeon Ha-young, Choi Se-bin, Jeon Eun-hye), they achieved the first-ever silver medal in a team event, surpassing the bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Korean fencing team won two golds and one silver.</p>

    <p>Behind the valuable achievements of these Taegeuk swordsmen of the Republic of Korea, there has been strong support from SK Telecom for over 20 years.</p>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">SK Telecom's 21-Year Support for Fencing</h2>

    <p>SK Telecom (SKT) has been sponsoring fencing for 21 years since 2003, a period during which the sport received little attention. Their unwavering support has played a crucial role in elevating Korean fencing on the global stage, contributing approximately 30 billion won to the Korea Fencing Association and related initiatives to boost competitiveness and expand the sport's popularity.</p>

    <h3 class="cnt-tit">Three-Stage Systematic Support for Athletes</h3>

    <p>SKT's approach to supporting athletes leading up to the Olympics involved a meticulous three-stage system:</p>

        <li><strong>Mock Training Setup:</strong> A piste of the same standard as the Paris Olympic stadium was constructed in Jincheon Athletes' Village, enabling athletes to train under realistic conditions.</li>
        <li><strong>Performance Enhancement:</strong> A dedicated team, including seven training partners, were dispatched to Paris, along with increased performance analysts and medical trainers for injury prevention.</li>
        <li><strong>Comfort and Nutrition:</strong> Athletes benefited from a base camp secured near the Olympic venue and daily meals provided by a local Korean restaurant.</li>

    <p>This commitment ensured the athletes were fully prepared to compete at their best during the Olympic Games.</p>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">Athletes' Reflections on the Impact of Support</h2>

    <p>Oh Sang-wook, the double gold medalist, expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards SK Telecom and the Korea Fencing Association. He stated, “I sincerely thank SKT and the Korea Fencing Association for their material and spiritual support in order to achieve the best results.”</p>

    <p>Similarly, Park Sang-won highlighted the pivotal role of SKT in his journey, stating, “The training and situations leading up to the gold medal were painful and full of twists and turns, but SKT provided unwavering support to participate in international competitions.”</p>

    <p>Jeon Ha-young, the youngest female team member, also echoed her appreciation, emphasizing how the realistic simulations of competition helped her performance immensely.</p>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">Support Beyond the Olympics</h2>

    <p>SK Telecom's dedication to Korean fencing extends beyond the Olympics. They actively encourage the growth of the sport at the grassroots level through initiatives like:</p>

    <h3 class="cnt-tit">Annual Competitions:</h3>

        <li><strong>SK Telecom International Grand Prix:</strong> Established to elevate the profile of fencing in Korea. This event has been instrumental in nurturing talent and fostering a competitive environment.</li>
        <li><strong>President's Cup National Club Amateur Fencing Championship:</strong> This annual event significantly boosted amateur participation, which rose from 309 in 2014 to 1,329 in 2023.</li>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">Case Studies of Success Through Sponsorship</h2>

    <h3 class="cnt-tit">The Rise of Korean Fencing:</h3>

    <table class="wp-block-table">
                <td>SK Telecom becomes chairman of the KFA</td>
                <td>Long-term commitment to fencing begins</td>
                <td>Tokyo Olympics</td>
                <td>First-ever bronze in women's sabre team event</td>
                <td>Paris Olympics</td>
                <td>Two golds and one silver collected</td>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">Ongoing Commitments to Sports</h2>

    <p>SK Telecom's involvement in sports goes beyond fencing. The corporation has also invested in other sports, such as men's swimming and women's weightlifting. Their efforts support both current athletes and the next generation of promising talents in various disciplines.</p>

    <h3 class="cnt-tit">Promoting Grassroots Sports:</h3>

    <p>The efforts to support grassroots sports have successfully led to a flourishing community of amateur athletes. For instance, the consistent organization of events has resulted in:</p>

        <li>Increased participation and interest in fencing and other sports.</li>
        <li>Development of training programs for young athletes.</li>
        <li>Recognition from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, showcasing their contributions to promoting physical activities.</li>

    <h2 class="cnt-tit">Conclusion</h2>

    <p>Through their long-term sponsorship and strategic support, SK Telecom has not only bolstered the performance of Korean fencing at the Olympics but has also laid down a foundation for future generations. The success story of the Korean fencing team highlights the powerful impact of dedicated, systematic sponsorship in achieving excellence in sports. This model of support is paving the way for more success in future competitions, including the upcoming Olympics in Los Angeles and Brisbane.</p>


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