Worldline’s Financial Objectives Amidst Changing Consumption Habits and Market Challenges

2023-10-25 12:06:00

This fall follows the French group’s announcement of its intention to lower its financial objectives for 2023. The group, which achieved a turnover in the third quarter up 4.8% over one year at scope and rate constant exchange rates, at 1.18 billion euros, is now targeting organic growth in its turnover of 6% to 7% in 2023, compared to 8% to 10% previously.

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According to the company’s general manager, Gilles Grapinet, the macroeconomic context deteriorated during the second half of the year and consumers are starting to change their consumption habits, which has an impact on growth and profitability. The company particularly highlights a slowdown in the German market. Over one year, the company lost nearly 80% of its value.

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The general director also returned to the outage this weekend, which affected “several dozen” large brands for “around fifty minutes”. “I have no memory, in the nearly ten years that I have been running Worldline, that we have had a breakdown of this kind” which “remains absolutely exceptional,” he declared.

The fall in Worldline’s share price follows the sharp decline recorded by its Dutch peer Adyen in August. This payment processing company then lost nearly 19 billion euros in market value in a single day, after publishing disappointing half-year figures. Adyen fell 9% on the Amsterdam stock exchange on Wednesday and its Italian peer Nexi lost almost 14% in Milan.

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