Professor Philippe Gillery rewarded for his work on carbamylation

Professor Philippe Gillery, a teacher-researcher at the MEDyC joint research unit (UMR), has been awarded the “IFCC Howard Morris Distinguished Clinical Chemist Award 2024” by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). The prestigious award, one of six presented at the WorldLab 2024 congress in Dubai, recognizes Gillery’s exceptional scientific contributions. This was announced in a press release from the University of Reims on Wednesday, July 17.

Since the 1980s, Professor Gillery has been a leading figure in biochemistry and medical biology at MEDyC. His rigorous approach and meticulous work have earned him widespread respect among his peers, particularly for his significant contributions to the standardization of clinical biochemistry assays, crucial for patient diagnosis and monitoring. He has played a vital role in standardizing the HbA1c assay, a key marker of diabetes mellitus, and in developing methods for analyzing compounds associated with chronic diseases.

Professor Gillery’s influence in the field is further evidenced by his leadership of the IFCC Scientific Division between 2017 and 2022. His research on chemical modifications of proteins due to chronic diseases and aging, such as glycation and carbamylation, has deepened our understanding of complications related to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, paving the way for new therapeutic strategies.

Professor Philippe Gillery Honored with Prestigious IFCC Award

Professor Philippe Gillery, a distinguished teacher-researcher at the MEDyC joint research unit (UMR), has been awarded the “IFCC Howard Morris Distinguished Clinical Chemist Award 2024” by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). This prestigious award recognizes Professor Gillery’s exceptional contributions to the field of clinical chemistry and his unwavering dedication to advancing the science of laboratory medicine.

The award was presented to Professor Gillery at the WorldLab 2024 congress in Dubai, a global gathering of leading experts in laboratory medicine. The IFCC, a renowned international organization representing over 100,000 clinical chemists and laboratory medicine professionals worldwide, bestows this coveted award to individuals who have made significant contributions to the scientific advancement of clinical chemistry and its impact on patient care.

A Legacy of Excellence in Clinical Chemistry and Medical Biology

Professor Gillery’s journey in clinical chemistry dates back to the 1980s, when he joined the MEDyC research unit. Throughout his career, he has become a leading figure in the field, earning the respect and admiration of his peers. His commitment to rigor and meticulousness has been instrumental in standardizing assays in clinical biochemistry, ensuring accurate and reliable diagnoses for patients.

His unwavering pursuit of excellence has been particularly evident in his work on the standardization of HbA1c assay. This crucial test is used to monitor blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes mellitus, and Professor Gillery’s contributions have significantly improved its accuracy and reliability. Moreover, his expertise has extended to the development of innovative methods for analyzing compounds involved in chronic diseases, paving the way for the development of new diagnostic tools and treatment strategies.

A Visionary Leader in the Global Clinical Chemistry Community

Beyond his groundbreaking scientific work, Professor Gillery has also played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the global clinical chemistry community. He served as the chair of the IFCC Scientific Division from 2017 to 2022, demonstrating his profound influence and commitment to fostering collaboration and advancement within the field. His leadership has been instrumental in driving progress in areas such as standardization, research, and education.

Unraveling the Secrets of Chronic Diseases

Professor Gillery’s research has focused on unraveling the intricate mechanisms of chronic diseases and the role of chemical modifications of proteins in their development. His studies on glycation and carbamylation, processes that occur naturally with aging and are accelerated in chronic diseases like diabetes, have provided valuable insights into the development of complications associated with these conditions. This research has opened new avenues for exploring therapeutic strategies that might potentially prevent or mitigate the harmful effects of these modifications.

The Lasting Impact of Professor Gillery’s Work

The IFCC Howard Morris Distinguished Clinical Chemist Award is a testament to Professor Gillery’s extraordinary career and the profound impact he has had on the field of clinical chemistry. His research, coupled with his insightful leadership and mentorship, has paved the way for advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. His dedication to scientific excellence serves as an inspiration to generations of clinical chemists and laboratory medicine professionals around the world.


* Clinical Chemistry
* Laboratory Medicine
* Howard Morris Distinguished Clinical Chemist Award
* Professor Philippe Gillery
* HbA1c Assay
* Diabetes Mellitus
* Glycation
* Carbamylation
* Chronic Diseases
* WorldLab 2024
* University of Reims



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