2024-05-04 09:09:12
The 2nd edition of World Sun Day will be held on Saturday 4 May in Saint-Paul. Doctors and associations increase public awareness of the risks of UV rays. Activities and screenings are offered.
Every year, 100 cases of melanoma are detected on Reunion Island. Skin cancer causes an average of one death per month in the ward, so 90% of cases are preventable.
To raise public awareness and warn of the dangers of the sun, the Misolré association, Mission Soleil Réunion, is organizing the 2nd edition of World Sun Day this Saturday, May 4, in Saint-Paul. Shows and activities are on the program until 5 p.m., at the Hermitage campsite.
See the report from Réunion la 1ère:
2nd edition of World Sun Day, displays and events in Saint-Paul
The island’s population is particularly exposed to the dangers of the sun, one of the most exposed in the world, insists Dr Nathalie Sultan, president of the Misolré association. ” We are at the latitude where the UV rays are highest. “, she explains,” The lighter your skin, the more you need to protect yourself. “.
Protecting yourself with a high index, applying sunscreen every 30 minutes when swimming, wearing hats and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun are among the good things you can do.
The sun can cause first, second or third degree burns in the short term, and in the longer term premature aging of the skin, spots, wrinkles that appear early and the risk of cancer.
The more we expose ourselves, the greater the risk we are of getting skin cancer. The younger you get sunburned, the higher your risk of getting cancer.
Dr Nathalie Sultan, president of the Misolré Association
Self-screening, based on the “ABCDE” method, helps reduce risk. Asymmetry of a spot or a mole, irregular edges, change in color, increasing diameter or even any change are clues that should alert you and encourage you to consult a dermatologist, explains Emilie Cinot, assistant director of the Misolré association.
Finally, Dr Nathalie Sultan explains that the risk of sun-induced eye diseases, such as cataracts or AMD, also occurs earlier.
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