2023-09-08 16:07:42
On the occasion of September 10, World Suicide Prevention Day, Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention, recalls the importance of this major public health issue.
Suicide is a complex phenomenon which results from the interaction of numerous factors (biological, psychological, social and environmental) that are increasingly better known.
Despite a significant drop in the rate of deaths by suicide over the last 20 years, the figures [1] remain worrying and reflect major suffering among many French people.
The National Suicide Prevention Strategy is a coherent set of initiatives and innovative measures implemented as close as possible to people at risk and their loved ones. These actions make it possible to provide concrete help to people in suffering, but also to train and equip those involved, professionals or volunteers, and to better study and understand risk factors. They are coordinated at the national level by the Ministry of Health and Prevention, and managed by regional health agencies in the territories.
This day is an opportunity to recall what constitutes the basis of resolute action to prevent suicide: informing, detecting it earlier, maintaining links and strengthening the provision of care and support for people at risk of suicide. This action also involves the civic commitment of volunteers, whom I salute, who participate in the collective suicide prevention effort. They act on a daily basis to support people in psychological suffering, as part of a helpline, on patrols to meet the most deprived, or even as mental health first aiders. Today, more than 70,000 mental health first responders have been trained and are ready to provide first aid. We can – and must – all be involved in mental health.
Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention
The actions and systems exist, are effective and the effort must be continued.
The national suicide prevention strategy consists of coordinated actions implemented as close as possible to people at risk of suicide:
- Maintaining contact with people who have attempted suicide: the VigilanS system for recontacting people who have attempted suicide has now proven its effectiveness with a risk of repeat suicide reduced by almost 40%. There are currently 32 VigilanS centers which cover all French regions, including overseas territories (Indian Ocean, Antilles, Guyana).
- Training in identification, assessment of suicidal risk and crisis intervention with people in suicidal crisis. These training courses, renovated in 2019, with content adapted to the roles and skills of the people trained, from citizen volunteers “suicide prevention sentinels” to health professionals, aim to create networks of resource people in each region.
- Targeted actions to combat the risk of suicidal contagion, in particular thanks to the PAPAGENO program. People exposed directly or indirectly to a suicidal event are more at risk of having suicidal thoughts, or even acting out. At the individual level, being exposed to suicide would increase the risk of suicidal action by 2 to 4. The identification of places at risk (suicidal hot spots) to enable the security of these places and the training of journalists and media workers, to make the media treatment of a suicide an opportunity for prevention, are examples. of actions implemented.
- The implementation since 1is October 2021 of 3114, the national suicide prevention number, is free, accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day throughout the country (mainland and overseas). This call number provides an immediate response to people in psychological distress and at suicidal risk, to those close to people at suicidal risk, to those bereaved by suicide, and to professionals in contact with suicidal people who wish to obtain help. specialist opinions and advice.
3114 already has 15 responding centers in the region, made up of specifically trained hospital professionals (nurses and psychologists) placed under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Since its opening, 3114 has received nearly 400,000 cumulative calls, or on average, 20,000 calls per month.
For more information :
Ministry of Health and Prevention
National suicide prevention number: 3114
Contact presse :
Ministry of Health and Prevention
Cabinet of M. Aurélien Rousseau
Tel: 01 40 56 60 60
Email: [email protected]
[1] Although the suicide rate has fallen significantly over the past 20 years, following taking into account under-reporting of actions, it is estimated that nearly 10,000 deaths and 200,000 suicide attempts occur each year in France.
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