World press is dedicated to the go to of the Argentine safety minister to El Salvador 2024-06-26 22:27:15

Dozens of worldwide media have highlighted the current go to of the Minister of Safety of Argentina, Patricia Bullrich, to El Salvador, who has highlighted the peace that the nation has recovered, and her curiosity in replicating the mannequin of the President, Nayib Bukele, within the South American nation.

Prestigious media reminiscent of El Comercio, Aristegui Noticias, Clarín, Primicias, Nación 321, RPP, CNN, Bloomberg, Diario de Cuba, La Silla Rota, Radio Corporación, Panamericana, XEU, Bilbaohiria, amongst others, have coated the occasion.

Most spotlight how Argentina seeks to copy El Salvador’s profitable safety mannequin, which has turned the nation from essentially the most insecure to the most secure within the Western Hemisphere, with a drastic discount in homicides and different crimes.

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#World #press #devoted #go to #Argentine #safety #minister #Salvador

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