After several years of World of Warcraft and numerous expansions, one should actually expect that the studio will finally master the server rush, but far from it – Blizzard remains true to itself.
Yesterday the time had finally come – with World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the latest expansion of the MMORPG oldies has started. But those who hoped to get on board straight away were put to a hard test. Blizzard has remained true to itself despite years of experience and so the servers are crawling on their gums this time and cannot cope with the onslaught of WoW fans.
On Reddit, there are currently reports of players who were thrown out of the game on the way to the new areas, if they got in at all. Among other things, it states: “I managed to get the first Zeppelin to DI. There were probably regarding 300 people with us, only 4 of us made it to DI, then a few minutes later my game crashed.”
The disappointment that Blizzard once once more has to deal with severe server problems when launching an expansion is correspondingly great. Accordingly, comments like “If only a multi-billion dollar game company that has already released 7 expansions and several other games might have predicted the server stress and beefed up their backend infrastructure” are not uncommon.
So if you want to jump into the fray, you should probably still have a lot of patience, especially since Blizzard is still silent, at least on Twitter.
By the way, if you intended to be the first to reach the new level cap, you can already forget regarding it. A team from Korea has already reached the new maximum level of 70 in less than two and a half hours, even simultaneously following the players managed to redeem the quests at the same time. The greater achievement, however, seems to have been to have made it onto the servers together at all.
The expansion includes a lot … in addition to the Dragon Islands as a new area, there is a new combination of race and class with the Dracthyr Evoker, and there are also brand new flight mechanics for the scaled fluttermen.
As a tasty appetizer for the release of the new WoW expansion Dragonflight on November 28, Blizzard has donated a cinematic launch trailer.