World Mental Health Day 2023: Promoting Mental Health as a Universal Human Right

2023-10-09 07:06:34

Monday 09/October/2023 – 10:04 AM

Today, Monday, October 9, 2023, the World Health Organization commemorates World Mental Health Day, under the slogan Mental health is a human right, explaining that 1 in 8 people suffers from psychological problems.

World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization noted that good mental health is of vital importance to our overall health and well-being. However, one in every 8 people in the world lives with a mental health condition, which can affect their physical health and well-being, how they communicate with others, and the ways they communicate. Their livelihoods, mental health conditions also affect an increasing number of adolescents and young people.

The World Health Organization said in a statement that World Mental Health Day 2023 provides an opportunity for individuals and local communities to champion the topic, mental health is a universal human right, in order to improve knowledge, raise awareness, and advance measures that promote and protect mental health for all as a universal human right. .

She added that mental health is a basic human right guaranteed to everyone, and every person, whoever and wherever he is, has the right to enjoy the highest level of mental health that can be achieved, and this includes the right to be protected from mental health risks, and the right to obtain care that is accessible, accessible, acceptable, and quality. Good quality, the right to freedom, independence and inclusion in the local community.

The United Nations stated that having a mental health condition is a reason for depriving a person of his human rights, or excluding him from making decisions related to his health. However, people living with mental health conditions continue to suffer around the world from a wide range of human rights violations. Many of them face exclusion from community life and discrimination, while many others cannot access the mental health care they need or may only receive care that violates their human rights.

#people #world #suffers #psychological #problems



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