World Hepatitis Day 2023: date, actions, cases

World Hepatitis Day was created by the WHO and takes place on Friday July 28, 2023. This is an opportunity to raise public awareness of these viral liver diseases. Date, origin, red and yellow ribbon, poster and objectives of this edition.

world day againsthepatitis (or World Hepatitis Day in English) takes place on Friday July 28, 2023. The opportunity to better raise awareness of viral hepatitisinflammation of the liver caused by a virus (virushepatitis AB, C, D and E) which can be the cause of various pathologies, including cancer du foie. Despite the ravages caused by these diseases, the various types of hepatitis are still too misknown, are underdiagnosed and therefore undertreated. In France, it is estimated that 190,000 people are affected by a Hepatitis C et 280 000 hepatitis B (chronic hepatitis), and that half of them are unaware of it, hence the importance of screening, particularly of high-risk groups. Who set up this day? The theme ? what color ribbon porter ?

When is World Hepatitis Day 2023?

World Hepatitis Day is on Friday July 28, 2023. “The date of July 28 was chosen because it corresponds to that of the birth of the winner of the Nobel Prize, the Dr Baruch Blumbergwho discovered the hepatitis B virus and developed a test and vaccine for hepatitis B“, indicates the WHO on son site internet.

One person dies every 30 seconds from viral hepatitis

What is the origin of World Hepatitis Day?

World Hepatitis Day is organized on the initiative of theWorld Health Organization (OMS).

What is the theme for World Hepatitis Day 2023?

Photo of the red and yellow ribbon against hepatitis © guerilla –

The theme for the year 2023 is not yet known. That of the year 2021 was: “Hepatitis can’t wait“. A theme that underlined the fact that urgent action was needed to eliminate hepatitis as a threat to public health by 2030. Indeed, one person dies every 30 seconds from viral hepatitiseven during the crisis linked to Covid-19, specifies the WHO.

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Why wear a red and yellow hepatitis ribbon?

The fabric ribbon is a small solidarity accessory that we wear to show our support for a common cause. It is usually worn on a jacket lapel, on a bag or worn as a bracelet around the wrist. For hepatitis awareness, the red and yellow ribbon was chosen:

  • Jaune : ribbon color the origin of all awareness ribbons (since the 19th century)
  • Rouge : symbolizes the fight against viral diseases

What is the poster for World Hepatitis Day?

World Hepatitis Day 2022 poster in France
World Hepatitis Day 2023 poster in France © OMS
World Hepatitis Day 2022 poster in Canada
World Hepatitis Day 2022 au Canada">World Hepatitis Day 2023 poster in Canada © Catie

What are the objectives of World Hepatitis Day?

For the World Health Organization, World Hepatitis Day is an opportunity:

  • Dintensify international efforts to combat against this disease
  • D’encourage individual engagementpartners and the general public
  • Of highlight the need for a stronger global responseas described in the WHO World Hepatitis Report published in 2017
  • D’increase low coverage of testing and treatment to achieve the global elimination goals by 2030.

Sources : WHO: World Hepatitis Day / Bordeaux University Hospital / Hepatitis Info Service

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