World: Experts on North Korean soldiers: they will not return home alive

World: Experts on North Korean soldiers: they will not return home alive

Well, here we are, folks—a riveting tale from North Korea! Who knew that yet another episode of “Top Suppressed Dictators” would feature a plot twist involving soldiers being shipped off to fight in Ukraine? The enthusiasm of the young North Korean soldiers believing they’re on a grand adventure—bless their naive little hearts—only to find out they may not return alive is about as reassuring as finding out your parachute was packed by your same uncle who guarantees “it’ll work this time!”

According to the article, these soldiers are hightailing it to Russia for a chance to earn some cash, because who wouldn’t want to earn $200 instead of $1 a month? You know, because that will really boost your self-esteem in a country where eating well can be considered a luxury. It’s like going to a fancy restaurant and being told the only table left is in the kitchen, but hey, at least the chef’s got a good sense of humor—he might even serve you something that isn’t expired!

What’s even more amusing is that these soldiers view this deployment as an “honor.” An honor? It’s like being invited to a surprise party only to find out you’re the piñata! It’s all fun and games until someone doesn’t come back. And those who do survive? Fingers crossed they don’t meet the same fate as the piñatas!

Let’s talk tactics, shall we? It appears these troops are as prepared for modern warfare as my nan would be for a TikTok dance challenge. Apparently, North Korean soldiers have been trained in mountainous terrains—good luck getting that experience to translate on the flat plains of Ukraine. If combat were a reality show, I’d say they might just win “Best Supporting Historical Footage” for how tragically outmatched they seem.

And here’s a nugget of wisdom from an ex-soldier turned analyst: Kim Jong-un is taking a gamble! That’s like saying sitting on a cow while it’s being milked is risky business—thank you, Captain Obvious! If he sends a contingent of say, 12,000, and they come back as a fraction of that number, it’s not just a blow to morale; it’s a family reunion that has been downgraded to a Zoom call!

Choi, an activist with a perceptive eye, succinctly sums it up: “cannon fodder.” Honestly, there’s a sensitivity to that term that might lead to an uncomfortable pause before someone yells “let them eat cake”—certainly not out of a kitchen in Pyongyang!

Let’s end on a light note: if you really want to know how to win friends and influence people in North Korea, maybe send them a pair of running shoes before they go off to battle. Just for their “active healthy lifestyle.” You know, because “running away” could be their best military strategy at this point!

In conclusion, it seems like the North Korean troops are trotting out on a one-way trip, slapped with the dual aspiration of fame and fortune—when they probably just wanted a good old-fashioned training montage. Stay tuned as this tragedy of errors unfolds!

World: Experts on North Korean soldiers: they will not return home alive |

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October 2024. 30. 17:09 October 2024. 30. 17:09 World

According to refugees who have already escaped from North Korea, the soldiers are sent to Russia to die, but whoever survives can earn “a lot” of money, and he and his family can get ahead.

They are too young to understand what it means. They consider it an honor to be chosen among the many North Korean soldiers to go to fight in Russia, even though most of them will probably not return home alive, said the apnewsnak Lee Woonggil, a former North Korean soldier who fled his country in 2007.

North Korea has sent two brigades of forces, some 12,000 people, to Russia, according to Western intelligence reports, to fight against Ukraine. According to NATO, about 3,000 of them are already near the front in Kursk, where their training is currently taking place. According to Kiev, it is not yet known exactly when the soldiers from the DPRK will be sent directly to the combat zone, i.e. how long their training will last in the Kursk region.

According to experts, Kim Jong-un is sending his soldiers to the Ukrainian front with the intention, among other things, to gain experience. Ahn Chan-il, a former top lieutenant in the North Korean army who is now head of the World Institute for North Korean Studies in Seoul, said that “Kim Jong-un is taking a big gamble. If not many people die, you get what you want to some extent. But things will change a lot if many of your soldiers die in battle”.

The emergence of Kim Jong-un’s immortals is a serious threat to Ukraine

North Korea is believed to not officially join the Russo-Ukraine war, but all signs point to Kim Jong-un actually helping his ally with soldiers for the first time in the country’s history. More than ten thousand North Korean soldiers can be deployed in Ukraine, which does not seem like a lot, but it can be a big help for Vladimir Putin.

According to An, the Russian opportunity is a big opportunity for the soldiers because they will earn much more money than if they stayed. He said that they earn only $1 a month at home, while in Russia, $100-$200 of the $2,000 salary is left for them – the rest is taken by the North Korean regime. It can also be motivating that they could be offered to be members of the ruling Labor Party and get the right to move to the capital. As an added bonus, their families can do well, their living conditions can improve and higher education can open up to them, according to An.

It is questionable whether they will survive the fighting in Ukraine. Lee Woonggil served in the Storm Corps that was rumored to be fighting the Ukrainians. He experienced – between 1998 and 2003 – that even in that elite unit, there were many malnourished and young people with TB. According to experts, the fact that they were basically trained in mountainous terrain, not in the plains of Eastern Europe, does not increase their chances of survival either. They do not understand modern warfare, including the use of drones, because Pyongyang has not fought a major battle since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.

Choi, the leader of an activist group in Seoul, said, “No one would think they would go to Russia to die, but I think they will be cannon fodder sent to the most dangerous places.”

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It⁢ seems you are sharing two news articles, one about a protest in Serbia ‍related to corruption and a second about North Korean ⁤soldiers being sent⁤ to fight⁣ in Russia amidst the Ukraine conflict. Here’s a brief summary of both ‌articles:

1. **Protests in Serbia**: Thousands marched in Belgrade, carrying signs demanding the ‌arrest of Serbian President Aleksandar‌ Vučić. The protests were sparked by a roof collapse at a‌ train station in ​Novi ​Sad,‌ which raised issues of‍ corruption ‍and ‌accountability.​ Serbian President Vučić, speaking in a national address, ⁢called for the‌ identification of those politically ⁤and legally responsible for the incident.

2. ⁢**North Korean Soldiers in‌ Russia**: Reports indicate that North Korea has dispatched two brigades, approximately 12,000 soldiers, to Russia to support its efforts in Ukraine.​ The soldiers, many​ of whom are young and see it as⁣ an honor‍ to be sent to the front lines, may face dire consequences. Experts believe Kim ⁤Jong-un⁢ is taking a significant risk by sending these troops for combat‌ experience, and ‌while the soldiers might‍ make more money than they do at ‌home,⁣ their survival in the conflict is highly uncertain—raising concerns that they may⁣ be sent ‍as cannon⁢ fodder to dangerous areas.

If ⁣you need more⁣ detailed information or a different kind of summary, feel free​ to ask!

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