World AIDS Day: 38.4 million people with HIV infection worldwide

The United Nations wanted to eliminate AIDS by 2030. But the number of new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths is increasing in some parts of the world. Inequalities are the main reason for the lack of progress, said the UN program to fight AIDS (UNAIDS) in an analysis for World AIDS Day on December 1st.

38.4 million people worldwide are living with an HIV infection, in Austria there are around 9,000 infected people. 376 other people in Austria were infected with the virus last year. According to Aids Hilfe Wien, the subject of HIV is still a very taboo subject in society.

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The Aids-Hilfe calls for more attention and sees an urgent need for action. There is no end in sight to the pandemic. Given the current trend, the agreed global goals could not be achieved, UNAIDS said.

By 2030, the aim was for 95 percent of infected people to know their HIV status. Of these, 95 percent should receive therapy, and 95 percent of those should achieve a drop in viral load below undetectable levels while on antiviral therapy—making transmission of the virus much less likely.

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