World Adolescent Mental Wellness Day: how do you know if a young person has a mental disorder? | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the protoss who will have agoing down in priceThey cost $25 per is world daymental well-being foradolescents, every March 2this date is celebrated withpurpose of completing thepopulation regarding the problemsof being mental facing theovenes, there, what with stigmathis type of disorderoffer them support. somecommon disorders areanxiety, depression, disordersof food and deepen the subjectI will talk to Ana Mercedesfelipe specialist inchild psychology.Jonathan: Thank you very much forbe with usWe often listen toyoung people who take their lives,what are the in the et the weaponin adolescents so thatparents take action andthey can help youneed?behavior change,parents should alwayswrite down the behaviorour children, when they come downthe notes, if they no longer havedesire to go out, to be withfriends, sometimes changeweight, it is also a lotcomputer not wantingshare with family, thatare reasons that can beobvious.jonathan: one in fiveyouth suffers from someaffection, what does he haveadolescents to disordersmental?adolescence is an agethat teenagers arelearning, they areknowing, it’s an agecomplicated in the sense thatthey care a lot regarding the opinionpublic, then all thosepicture stuff, all thatthings are important.also to something other than meI find that parentsfrequently confusemental problems withrebellion, so by doing thatputs children at riskbe able to receive helpthey need.jonathan: lots of parents in eganto believe that their children sufferof some mental problem.the expectation of an attackpersonnel to a real problem,many times it is a saying that themental health problem that isan emotional imbalanceto remove the sensationto have sympathy and understanddisease for what it is.jonathan: thanks for being withus the day of



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