Working pensioners: The declaration platform opens – VIDEO – 2024-07-19 07:38:36

By Friday at the latest, the platform opens for retirees who wish to continue working. The opening of the platform will be accompanied by a relevant ministerial decision, unless unforeseen within the week.

The 10% levy on wages pro EFKA will be withheld retroactively from 1/1/2024 when the law applies. Therefore, all working pensioners, even those who had declared their work in their Funds in previous years, are obliged to declare their information and type of work (salaried, self-employed) on the new platform.

Failure to report results in a monetary penalty equal to twelve (12) monthly pensions, main and auxiliary.

It is reminded that from January 1, 2024 employed pensioners receive their pension in full. Instead of the 30% penalty that has been in effect until now, they will pay, in addition to the insurance contributions provided for by law, an additional 10% resource on their salaries, of a non-remunerative nature, in favor of e – E.F.K.A. for each insurable employment, including holiday allowances (Easter and Christmas gifts) and leave.

The 10% salary contribution is non-remunerative, meaning that it cannot be used to provide a second pension or even to increase the pension paid.

How the resource is withheld for employees

For employees, the resource will be withheld by the employers through the APD, who must return it to the e-EFKA. The total imposed amount of the resource in favor of e – E.F.K.A., on an annual basis, cannot exceed twelve times the national pension, i.e. 5,114 euros (426.17 X 12).

As the resource for e – E.F.K.A. it is not remunerative, it cannot be used to increase the already paid pension or to grant a second pension.

It is of particular importance to point out that the obligation to pay the 10% resource is also for prospective pensioners who have submitted a pension application but the award of their pension is pending. As the relevant EFKA circular emphasizes, in the event that their request is rejected, the withheld amount will be returned to them.

Excluded from the obligation to pay the resource are pensioners with disabilities, certain categories with many children, OGA farmers, etc.

Also excluded are retirees whose pension payment was suspended for any reason, such as for example because they are employed by a General Government Agency and have not reached the age of sixty-two (62).

50% increase in the contribution of the self-employed

Self-employed retired workers (self-employed and self-employed) will have a 50% surcharge on the selected main insurance category.

Self-employed pensioners who are compulsorily subject to primary and secondary insurance (doctors, lawyers, engineers) will have a contribution surcharge of 40% for primary and 40% for secondary insurance. The increased contributions will be communicated with the notices every month.

Those paid with Services Provided Documents will have a 10% retention on the net value of the document.

Pensioners with multiple insurance

Pensioners with multiple insurances, i.e. who work both as employees and as freelancers, will have deductions of 10% on the remuneration for salaried employment and an additional 50% of the contribution they pay for self-employment or an additional contribution of 40% if they are self-employed with primary and secondary insurance.

Retirees with parallel employment, who work for a salary in two or more jobs (e.g. full-time or part-time) will pay a 10% withholding of their wages.

If the parallel employment is in self-employment, then they will pay a surcharge of 50% or 40% (if there is also supplementary insurance) because a contribution is provided for parallel employment in self-employment.

Examples of obligation or non-payment of the resource

1st : A pensioner, due to old age, before 31.12.2023, who collects his pension and does not fall under the exemptions from the obligation to pay the resource, undertakes on 15.01.2024 employment as an insured person in the e-EFKA.

He is obliged to pay, through his employer, from 15.01.2024 and for as long as he continues this employment, a contribution of 10% of his insurable earnings.

2nd : A pensioner, due to old age, before 31.12.2023, who does not collect his pension (suspension of its payment) and does not fall under the exemptions from the obligation to pay the resource, undertakes on 15.01.2024 employment as an insured in the e-E.F.K .A.

He is not obliged, due to the suspension of the payment of his pension, to pay, through his employer, from 15.01.2024 and for as long as he continues this employment, and there is a simultaneous suspension of the pension, a resource of 10% of his insurable earnings.

3rd : A pensioner, due to old age, before 31.12.2023, who collects his pension and falls under the exceptions from the obligation to pay the resource, assumes on 15.01.2024 employment as an insured person in e – E.F.K.A.

4th: An insured person of the institution, who meets the legal retirement conditions, submitted on 10.01.2024 an application for the award of a pension, due to old age, without interrupting his insurable employment to e-EFKA. In addition, it does not fall under the exemptions from the obligation to pay the resource.

He is obliged, from 01.02.2024 (date of commencement of payment of the requested old-age pension) and for as long as he is employed as an insurer at e-EFKA, to pay, through his employer, a contribution of 10% of the insurable earnings of.

If his pension request is ultimately rejected, the total amount of the resource that was withheld from him and attributed to e – E.F.K.A. will be returned to him as unduly paid.

5th: An insured person of the institution, who meets the legal retirement conditions, submitted on 10.01.2024 an application for the award of a pension, due to old age, having previously stopped his employment. On 01.02.2024, he takes on a new job as an insurer at e – E.F.K.A. In addition, it does not fall under the exemptions from the obligation to pay the resource.

He is obliged, from 01.03.2024 (start date of payment of the requested old-age pension) and for as long as he is employed as an insurer at e-EFKA, to pay, through his employer, a contribution of 10% of the insurable earnings of.

According to the protothema, if his pension request is finally rejected, the total amount of the resource that was withheld from him and attributed to e – E.F.K.A. will be returned to him as unduly paid.

6th: An insured person of the institution, who meets the conditions for retirement, submitted on 30.11.2023 an application for the award of a pension, due to old age, and took up, on 15.01.2024, employment as an insured at e – E.F.K.A. In addition, it does not fall under the exemptions from the obligation to pay the resource.

The specific person is entitled, from 01.12.2023, to collect the requested pension. Consequently, he is obliged from 15.01.2024 (date of commencement of his employment, while he was already entitled to receive an old-age pension) to pay, through his employer, a 10% contribution to the insured his earnings.

If his pension request is finally rejected, the total amount of the resource, withheld from him and attributed to e-EFKA. will be returned to him as unduly paid.

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#Working #pensioners #declaration #platform #opens #VIDEO



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