Workers protest at the Angel of Independence

Thousands of workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) went to the steps and the surroundings of the Angel of Independence to express themselves against the reform of the Judicial Power promoted by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorsince it harms their rights and damages the justice system in Mexico, they said.

The demonstration began at 10:00 p.m. 18:00 hourswhere PJF workers gathered in the company of Mexican flags, banners with messages and artificial candles.

We demand respect for our rights to demonstrate, express our ideas and defend democracy,” said one of the messages on the banners they carried.

Some of the slogans that could be heard throughout the demonstration were: “the Judiciary will not fall,” “We are not hired hands, we are lawyers”“without color or party, justice has been served” and “Mexico requires independent justice.”

One of the workers represented Themis, the goddess of Greek mythology which represents the Justice, equity and divine lawwhich is why it was placed on the steps of the Angel of Independence as a form of protest.

For her part, the national director of the Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (Jufed), Juana Fuentes Velázquez, confessed that she regrets that the deputies of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) voted in majority for the Reform to the Federal Judicial Branch.

In addition to the above, Velázquez noted that the struggle continues and that they will continue protesting and demonstrating until the last consequences.

AMLO’s judicial reform: Judicial Branch workers protest at the Angel of Independence

At 8:00 p.m., the workers reported that they plan to continue the protest at least throughout the night, or until they receive news about some of the appeals they have filed to try to stop the reform, mainly before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

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Elements of the Sub-secretariat of Traffic Control of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) are blocking the circulation of motor vehicles due to the protest.

How has judicial reform progressed?

This Monday August 26ththe Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved in general the reform to the Judicial Branch having obtained 22 votes in favor and 17 against.

It is important to mention that the reform seeks the election of ministers, magistrates and judges by popular vote.

After 7 hours of debate, Morena legislators approved the project that mentions the total renewal of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

READ ALSO: “El Chaparrito,” leader of the CJNG detained in Mérida, is prosecuted: what was he doing in Yucatán?

#Workers #protest #Angel #Independence
2024-08-31 20:47:14



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