Workers disrupt Ignacio Mier’s forum on judicial reform

SALTILLO.- A forum on the judicial reform of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorin which he participated Ignacio Mier Velascocoordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Deputieswas interrupted by judicial workers.

When the Morena member claimed that the 4T was open to dialogue regarding the reform of the judiciaryseconded by Claudia Sheinbaumthe workers responded with shouts of “ignoring us is not dialogue” and “Judicial reform, national failure!”

In response to shouts from those present, the deputy left the podium momentarily. Upon returning, he explained two changes made to AMLO’s reform of the Judicial Branch.

The situation in the forum ‘Dialogues for the Reform of the Judicial Branch’ It was tense from the start as not all interested parties were allowed access.

During the first few minutes of the forum, people could be heard outside the room demanding to be allowed to pass.

Changes to AMLO’s Judicial Branch reform

Upon resuming the floor, Mier Velasco announced two changes to AMLO’s judicial reform proposal, which, he said, do not alter the “essence” of the initiative.

These changes would be designed to make the election of judges in Mexico “viable,” the deputy said.

He added that in the coming days they could announce “the first lines of modifications to the initiative in several key aspects.”

The first change refers to the new conformation and configuration of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

They are raised Evaluation Committees to evaluate candidates who register to participate in the election of judges.

The committees will be made up of people “with vast experience and high reputation” in the administration and delivery of justice.

The second change focuses on the “gradualness and staggering” of the election of judges, magistrates and ministers.

It is proposed to establish a specific periodicity for the renewal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

This is done through a “methodical and structured process” so that it is orderly and constant.

Ignacio Mier said that the modifications seek to optimize the structure and procedure of the SCJN and the methods of electing judges, magistrates and ministers.

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#Workers #disrupt #Ignacio #Miers #forum #judicial #reform
2024-08-11 19:46:17



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