Work progresses on the installation of the first auto parts center in Paraguay

Asuncion, IP Agency.-During a meeting with the Mayor of Hernandarias, Emiliano Cano, progress was verified for the implementation of the “TASK Paraguay Auto Parts Center” aimed at the dissemination of electric vehicles.

The Vice Minister of Industry, Lorena Méndez, and the Executive Director of PTI Paraguay, Carlos Mercado, are intensifying efforts to advance according to the established deadlines with the cooperation project for the “Implementation of the TASK Paraguay Auto Parts Center and Pilot for the Diffusion of Electric Vehicles.”

In this regard, both national authorities held a meeting with the mayor of the city of Hernandarias, Emiliano Nelson Cano, where they discussed the progress related to the development of work for the gradual and effective implementation of electromobility in the country.

In addition, general details were presented on the work carried out within the framework of the current cooperation project between Paraguay and South Korea, for the installation of the first Auto Parts Technology Center at the regional level.

Among the points to be advanced within the project, there is the process of donating five electric buses and two charging stations, as well as the acquisition of 90 minibuses, as part of a pilot plan to gather information on their adaptation and operation.

This point was discussed during the meeting with the head of the municipality of Hernandarias, in addition to the possible intention of having four electric buses operate in this city, putting special focus on the transportation of young university students who are affected by the shortage of units.

Cooperation Project Works for the Task Paraguay Center

During her work agenda in Alto Paraná, Vice Minister Méndez had the opportunity to tour the facilities of the Task Center offices, located within the Itaipu Binational Entity.

In addition, the Industry representative held a meeting with the Deputy Director of the Task Center, José Kim, and the Sustainable Electric Mobility Advisor of the Itaipu Technology Park, Tamatia Colmán, where the reference aspects on the design and infrastructure of the construction of industrial buildings, the processes and deadlines for importing technological equipment and the latest developments in training, talks, visits and tours of the facilities of first-class industries in South Korea were presented.

#Work #progresses #installation #auto #parts #center #Paraguay
2024-08-31 00:57:18



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