Work accidents: a campaign to better prevent them

Employee Safety: A Comedy of Errors and Cautions

So folks, let’s talk about something we might usually prefer to avoid—workplace safety. Believe me, it’s not as boring as it sounds! In fact, I’d put it right up there with the latest binge-worthy series, provided you enjoy a good accident investigation narrative!

In 2022, France was graced with **559,812 work accidents**. That’s right, we’re not just talking about the kind of accidents that make you drop your sandwich; we’re talking serious incidents! Out of those mishaps, a shocking **38,022** left lasting after-effects, and—brace yourselves—**789** fatalities. Makes you appreciate your ergonomically designed office chair, doesn’t it?

Now, if that number windows a bit high to you, you’re not alone! Every day more than 100 employees find themselves in serious trouble at work, while 2 others—tragedy—lose their lives. It’s like a morbid tally straight out of a Drew Barrymore movie where no one’s getting a happy ending! Except here, the villains are poorly implemented safety protocols and a pinch of bad luck.

Time for a Change – Prevention Campaign Alert!

To combat this horrifying hierarchy of hazards, the Ministry of Labor and Employment has launched a prevention campaign. Yes! They’ll be rolling out messages that make you think twice about that hazardous combination of caffeine and high-speed machinery. The campaign is titled, Employee Safety is Something We Have to Think About Every Day. So, let’s break down what they aim to do, shall we?

  • Inform and Raise Awareness: The goal here is to enlighten not just employers, but also employees and the general public. Because let’s face it, nobody wants to be part of a workplace accident, especially the kind that ends with a starring role in a safety video!
  • Highlight Preventive Measures: It’s almost like that annoying friend who constantly reminds you to wear a seatbelt, but hey, sometimes they might be on to something.
  • Company Responsibility: Just a little nudge for all the employers out there: your workers’ lives depend on your attention to safety—don’t be that guy who only shows up to collect the paychecks and rarely looks around to see if someone is balancing precariously on a makeshift ladder.
  • Legal and Protection Measures: There are laws for a reason, folks! These aren’t just suggestions. Think of them like the rules of Monopoly—ignore them, and you’ll definitely lose badly.
  • Recognizing Dangerous Situations: Because not every workplace accident starts with “Hold my beer…” Sometimes it’s just a slippery floor and an absent-minded employee!

What Makes an Accident Count?

Now, here’s the kicker: for a work accident to be officially recognized, there are **two** conditions that need to be met:

  • Accidental Fact: Something must happen unexpectedly in the work environment—like your IT guy suddenly deciding to demonstrate the incredible power of the company server!
  • Physical or Psychological Damage: We’re not just talking about dropping a coffee mug here. If your colleagues are exchanging concerned glances and whispering about your spilt tea, we’ve got a problem!

So, dear readers, let’s take this important yet often unconventional topic seriously. Workplace safety is a serious business, but that doesn’t mean we can’t approach it with some levity. Remember, better to prevent an accident than to become the star of the next cautionary tale!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put on a hard hat before I tackle Monday morning. Safety first, hilarity second, right?

Image 1Crédits: charnsitr –

During the year 2022, more than 559,812 work accidents were declared for employees of the general regime and the agricultural regime. 38 022 of them caused lasting after-effects and 789 and death.

In addition, every day in France, more than 100 employees are seriously injured and 2 die as a result of work.

In order to reduce these high figures, the Ministry of Labor and Employment is engaging a prevention campaign relying on a complete file as well as on several TV spots and radio.

Towards better prevention of professional risks

The campaign Employee safety is something we have to think about every day aims to:

  • inform and raise awareness with pedagogy employers, employees and the general public on serious or fatal workplace accidents;
  • highlight the means of action and prevention available to employers;
  • remind the company of its responsibility in preventing accidents;
  • reaffirm the existence of legal, prevention and protection measures;
  • better recognize dangerous situations at work.


For a work accident to be recognized, 2 conditions must be completed:

  • the accidental fact (sudden and unexpected) in the work environment ;
  • the accident caused a physical and/or psychological damage.



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