Women’s Ring: Mourning for Marilies Flemming

2023-07-13 17:57:36

Former chair and champion passed away

Vienna (OTS) – “With Marilies Flemming, the Austrian Women’s Ring not only loses its former chairwoman, but also a politician who worked in many functions,” says Klaudia Frieben, Chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Ring.

Both as federal leader of the Austrian women’s movement and during her time as federal minister in several departments and president of the European Women’s Union, she kept a watchful eye on women’s rights. With her resistance to the construction of a power plant in the Hainburger Au or to the Zwentendorf power plant, she was a pioneer in environmental issues. From 1984 to 1991 she was chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Association.

“Your work will always be remembered. We will keep Marilies Flemming in honorable memory. Our sympathy goes to their relatives,” says Klaudia Frieben.

Questions & contact:

Klaudia Frieben, Chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Association
Tel. 0664/6145800

#Womens #Ring #Mourning #Marilies #Flemming

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