Women’s Matters: Deconstructing Health Misinformation

Every Friday, we deal with a topic of women’s health, in a practical way. This week, it is in Togo that we meet the women of the community. The field of health is not spared from false information, caregivers will take the time to deconstruct it, answering questions from listeners on rumors and health infox, gleaned from the net or in conversations.

In the auditorium of the WHO Public Health Research and Training Center in Lomé, it’s up to Kathy to ask her question about health misinformation, during the recording of Priorité Santé en public. © RFI/ Ophelie Lahccen

Issue relocated to Lomé, Togo

[En images]

Program produced in partnership with the French Muskoka Fund which works to improve the health and well-being of women, newborns, children and adolescents by strengthening health systems by mobilizing the complementary expertise of four United Nations agencies : OMS, UN Women, UNFPA et UNICEF. The French Muskoka Fund operates in nine West and Central African countries.

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