Women’s Hair Growth: Feminist Perspectives, Political Interviews, and Pope Francis Controversy

2023-09-25 19:35:00

This Monday, September 11, Julien Bal received on his set the lawyer Dany Spreutels, the entrepreneur and CEO of So blonde management Céline Aron, Michel Kacenelenbogen, director of the theater “Le Public” and Jean-Marc Gheraille, antenna director of LN24.

On the show’s program, the growing number of women who are starting to grow their hair, Yves Coppieters’ first interview as a politician and the pope’s controversial visit to Marseille.

Activist gesture? Practical aspect ? Céline Aron gave her point of view on the growing number of women who decide to no longer remove their hair. Regarding this subject, Dany Spreutels, who says he is for all women’s rights as a lawyer, believes that “feminists have already fought better fights” than that of letting one’s hair grow. The latter also regrets that difference is no longer accepted by certain feminists. “Soon, men will be ordered to wear makeup.”

Concerning the first political interview with epidemiologist Yves Coppieters, our debaters returned to his lack of knowledge in relation to the history of his own party (Les Engagés, ex cdH). For Michel Kacenelenbogen and Yves Coppieters, this does not necessarily mean a lack of knowledge. “A well-made head is better than a head filled with anything! Knowing the historical data to which Coppieters answered poorly would not have automatically made him a good manager”, even if the director of the theater “Le Public ” is surprised that the former epidemiologist was not better prepared during this interview on RTL-TVI.

On Saturday, the remarks of Pope Francis I visiting Marseille concerning immigration created controversy. For Dany Spreutels, the pope’s speech is “not very consistent” because “there is not the slightest constructive idea in what he says.”

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