Women who have been fundamental in the world of medicine

The home It is our comfort zone, the place where we feel safe and where we spend a good part of our lives, so it is important to know the habits from hygiene what you should to have inside you House.

It is normal that the House get dirty, but it is important that you know that habits from hygiene you should stopsince having a home Clean is important for many reasons.

To know more regarding… Women who have been fundamental in the world of medicine

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8, a day to fight for equality, participation and empowerment of women in all areas of society.
Women are a fundamental piece of society, it is impossible to think of a life without them.
There are very successful women in all walks of life, each field has the most outstanding and the world of medicine is not far behind, since there are great names in the female field who have made great contributions to medicine.

She was a Greek doctor who lived between 200 and 400 following Christ and is the author of the oldest known medical text written by a woman entitled: “On the diseases and care of women”.
His medical writing covered many areas of medicine, such as gynecology. His work was a reference for other medical writers in ancient Greece and Rome.

Florence Nightingale
She lived from 1820 to 1910 and is recognized as the forerunner of modern professional nursing and the creator of the first conceptual model of nursing.
She laid the foundations for the professionalization of nursing in 1860 by founding her nursing school at Saint Thomas’s Hospital in London.
In 2883, Queen Victoria awarded her the Royal Red Cross, and in 1907 she became the first woman to receive the United Kingdom Order of Merit. International Nursing Day is celebrated on her birthday.

Elizabeth Blackwell
She lived from 1821 to 1910 and is the first woman in the world who managed to practice the profession as a doctor. But of course this was not easy at a time when equality between men and women did not exist, she was rejected in ten medical schools, until she was accepted at the University of Geneva, and in 1849 she became the first woman in history to become a doctor.

Maria Sklodowska-Curie
She lived from 1867 to 1934 and was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. She was the first woman to receive two Nobel Prizes in different specialties (physics and chemistry). She won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 and in 1922 for Chemistry.
He discovered two new chemical elements in the periodic table: polonium and radium. Findings that opened the door to the development of X-rays.

Francoise Barré-Sinoussi
She is a French biochemist and leader of the fight once morest HIV in France. She chaired the International AIDS Society from 2012 to 2014.
He received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008. He has done a lot of research once morest HIV.
(With information from: mitrestorres and Medica Graphic)

5 habits from hygiene what you should to have in House

There are different habits from hygiene what you should to have in House and that will help you have better health, since living in a dusty space is not the same as living in a clean one.

These are the 5 habits from hygiene what you should to have in House:

1. Perform deep cleaning

The home I know must clean every day somehow. But it is important to know what areas and things you can clean every so often.

There are things regarding you home what you should clean daily. These can be plates, cutlery, dining, picking up food scraps, or sweeping the kitchen.

But at least once a week you should perform deep cleaning from all parts of the House.

2. Clean the objects you use most frequently daily

Every day, disinfect items that you touch or grab very frequently, such as: tables, door handles, keys, landlines, cell phones, keyboards, television and video game controls, stove knobs and switches.

It is important that you use household cleaners and disinfectants with alcohol or chlorine to ensure that everything is really clean.

(Photo: Freepik)

3. Washing your hands is very important

Between the habits from hygiene what you should to have in House hand washing is essential. Do it for at least 20 seconds using soap and water in the following situations:

  • After cooking or eating, going to the bathroom, changing diapers, caring for sick people, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, and following touching animals.
  • Before touching food and bringing your hands to your face.

Although you can also use the popular gel antibacterial It is best recommended to wash your hands with soap and water.

4. change the bedding

You spend a third of the day in bed, so it is essential to have a good cleanliness in this area of ​​​​the House.

In order to end the dust and mites disease-causing, change bed sheets and covers every one to two weeks. Also shake the mattress before putting on new clothes.

(Photo: Freepik)

5. Ventilate your House

open the windows to ventilate House It is a very positive habit to maintain good health.. The air in the spaces must be renewed so that it continues to be breathable and beneficial to the body.

Ventilation is the first step to eliminate harmful substances that accumulate in homes.

Keep reading: How often to wash kitchen rags and how to do it right?

(With information from: Flavor and style and BBC)



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