Women were tricked into sexual exploitation in China – Teleantioquia

Shocking Exploitation: A Sad Tale from Colombia to China

Ah, the world of travel – where we dream of sun-kissed beaches and cheap margaritas, only to have the sun turn into a sunburn and the margaritas serve a side of remorse. But let’s peel back the layers of this particular travel tale, because it’s not all snorkels and sandcastles. No, in fact, it’s much, much darker.

This isn’t your ordinary holiday slapstick; we’re talking about a travel agency in Colombia that turned out to be a front for the sexual exploitation of vulnerable young women. You see, José Ignacio Gaona Pérez and Angie Lorena Araque Manchola thought they’d hit the jackpot with a business model that’s as twisted as a pretzel after a wild night out. They promised legitimate jobs to four unsuspecting young women, enticing them into a world painted with false hopes and deceit – talk about a bait and switch!

From Dreams to Nightmares

Imagine this: young women, aged 19 to 25, lured into a false sense of security. They take the leap of faith, packed bags and beating hearts, only to find themselves stripped of their documents upon arrival in Guangzhou, China. Dreams? More like a nightmare wrapped in an enigma, my friends. Instead of trading in snacks or trinkets, these poor souls were told they had to settle a ridiculous debt by working in a nightclub – yes, a nightclub! Let’s face it, even the most loyal party-goer can’t dance their way out of a mess like this.

Thanks to some brave escapes and the involvement of the Colombian consulate, three of the women managed to squeak away from their harrowing situation. But let’s not sugarcoat it; that’s a tough break. The investigation has shown us that this isn’t just a local issue – it’s a sprawling human trafficking network with fingers reaching into international pies. Horrible, horrible pies.

How Do They Select Their Victims?

The tactics used to select these victims are as old as time itself: prey on the vulnerable. Women from various regions of Colombia – Pereira, Medellín, and Ipiales, to name a few – were specifically chosen. The modus operandi? Promise them a shot at a better life, under the guise of “wholesale trading.” I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a wholesale trader? It sounds so professional, like they’ll be dealing in fine furs! Spoiler alert: it’s not.

Once in the clutches of this nefarious scheme, the victims faced a brutal reality. They were told they owed money for their travel – because apparently, stealing hope comes with a price. Forced into sex work to “pay off” this debt, these young women were thrust into an ordeal that no one should ever face.

The case, unfolding between 2016 and 2019, is a stark reminder of how these trafficking networks have become experts at manipulation, using the vulnerabilities of young women in poorer countries as their puppets. The deceptive tactics would make even the most devious magician cringe.

Conclusion: A Call to Awareness

So here’s the rub: the story isn’t just about two perpetrators who fancied themselves jet-setters with a penchant for exploitation. It’s a sobering insight into the lengths these networks will go to exploit innocence and dreams. Awareness, support, and action are needed more than ever. And let’s not forget, the world must wake up – because if we ignore the plight of these women, we’re all enabling the madness.

Stay vigilant, travellers! Not all agents know how to keep you safe. Some are just a bit too keen on opening up their very own horror show.

For more tales that’ll either make you laugh or cry – or perhaps both – stick around, and together we can shine some light on these dark corners of the world!


A travel agency in Colombia was identified as a front for the sexual exploitation of young women in China. José Ignacio Gaona Pérez and Angie Lorena Araque Manchola, the alleged perpetrators, are accused of arranging trips for four women between 19 and 25 years old, promising them legitimate jobs. However, upon arriving in Guangzhou, his dreams became […]

Women were tricked into sexual exploitation in China

A travel agency in Colombia it was pointed out as a front for the sexual exploitation of young women in China. José Ignacio Gaona Pérez y Angie Lorena Araque Mancholathe alleged perpetrators, are accused of arranging trips for four women between 19 and 25 years old, promising them legitimate jobs.

However, upon arriving in Guangzhou, their dreams turned into a nightmare: stripped of their documents, they were forced into sex work to pay a false debt.

The case began to be investigated by the Attorney General’s Office when three of the young women managed to escape with the help of the Colombian consulate in Guangzhou.

The travel agency, supposedly managed by Gaona Pérez and Araque Manchola, was used as a front to organize the tickets, passports and visas of these women, who were deceived with promises of work as wholesale traders.

How do they select their victims?

The victims came from different regions of Colombia, including Pereira, Medellín and Ipiales. Once in China, their passports were taken away and they were informed that they had to work in a nightclub to settle a debt. debt imposed by travel expenses.

Investigations indicate that the crimes occurred between 2016 and 2019, and that the defendants were part of a human trafficking network with international connections.

This case reveals the cruelty of trafficking networks that take advantage of the vulnerability of young women in poor countries like Colombia. The deceptive tactics used by these criminal networks remain the subject of investigation.

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Sources of “Women were tricked into sexual exploitation in China”

Images Pixabay | EFE |



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