Women value it much less than men

2024-08-28 11:02:25

Source: Discurv Study conducted online from December 29, 2023 to January 2, 2024, with a sample of 1,911 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over

Last February, an Ifop survey confirmed a significant decline in sexual activity in France in recent years. This “sexual recession” is characterized by a 15 percentage point fall in the proportion of French people who have had sex in the past 12 months since 2006: to an average of 76%, this figure has not been so low in 50 years. As for frequency“43% of French people report having sex once a week on average, compared with 58% in 2009”.

A survey* published this Wednesday (August 28) by the Discurv Institute for XloveCam confirms the French’s lack of interest in sex. Especially women. Today, 51% of French women value sex in their lives. According to Elle magazine’s Ifop study, the figure was 82% in 1996. Among men, 69% believe sex is important in their lives. Therefore, sex remains a more important issue in men’s lives than in women’s lives. Additionally, 77% of men said they wanted sex more than their partner, while 80% of women said their partner wanted sex the most.

We discovered a gap in the data on masturbation behavior. 36% of men masturbate at least once a week, compared to 19% of women. 13% of men do this every day, compared with 3% of women. Another sizable gap between men (73%) and women (34%) is viewing pornography, which could also be explained by the fact that the content is designed by and for men.

Better communication between couples about sexual issues

Is the fact that female orgasms are much less frequent than male orgasms enough to explain these differences? Anyway, “A quarter of women (27%) say they systematically enjoy being with their partner, half as many as men (48%).” One in 10 women in a relationship said they rarely or never had an orgasm, up from 14% in 2014. 23% irrelevant.

As a result, surveys show that there are different desires within heterosexual couples. But it also shows it’s easier for couples to talk about sex. “56% of respondents believe it is important to openly discuss sexual fantasies with their partner, and this number rises to 66% among those aged 18-34.” we read in the press release. 71% of respondents believe it is easy to talk about sex within a couple.

*Xlovecam’s Discurv study was conducted from July 12 to 15, 2024, using a self-administered online questionnaire with a sample of 500 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

#Women #men



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