2024-08-20 06:00:24
Scientific evidence supports the benefits of intermittent fasting for women over 50. learn more…
Last updated: August 20, 2024
Intermittent fasting has become a trend among women and has some benefits, especially after age 50. Specifically, From the age of 30, women’s metabolism begins to slow down. When growth hormone (GH) production is reduced. Muscle tone is reduced and women are more likely to gain weight.
This is when you need to reinforce healthy habits. One possibility is to include intermittent fasting, of which we will provide you with more details.
What is intermittent fasting?
intermittent fasting Including limiting food intake during specific times And at certain times. It is important to point out that before starting this method, you should consult your family doctor to determine its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the best way to start.
Fasting is not recommended for everyone. In addition, it is contraindicated in very specific circumstances.
How does fasting work?
according to research article, Fasting activates various metabolic processes to protect the body When not eating food. As a result, it begins to identify energy sources that are reserved for the protection of the brain and other vital organs.
When this speed is controlled, as proposed by the intermittent method, The body is able to use fat reserves to stay active. This helps with weight loss. The effect is greater if fasting is followed by a healthy diet during feeding days or windows.
Benefits of intermittent fasting for women over 50
this Research It is established that women are more likely to be obese than men. In fact, their average fat percentage is higher. Because basal lipid oxidation is lower than in men. This tendency toward obesity may lead to a variety of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension.
Control weight gain
When you reach a certain age and menopause begins, weight gain is almost inevitable. Women are three times more likely to experience menopause develop obesity. Because estrogen levels drop.
Research Studies tracking the effects of intermittent fasting during menopause suggest it can aid weight loss. Just like a normal diet. Likewise, confirmed Body fat is reduced most in areas such as the waistlinefat accumulates easily after the age of 50.
Others investigationThe effects of intermittent fasting have also been studied, showing that it can aid weight loss as long as it creates a negative energy balance. In other words, burn more calories than you consume.
Intermittent fasting may improve diabetes
Although there is still a lot to learn Research Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes found to practice intermittent fasting showed significant improvements in their insulin resistance. even exist Research They demonstrated the possibility of reducing antidiabetic drug doses through intermittent fasting.
Improve cardiovascular health
article Reports indicate that intermittent fasting improves cardiovascular health. This health includes improvements in blood pressure, heart rate and blood cholesterol levels.
How do women over 50 implement intermittent fasting?
For both women and men, intermittent fasting must be done under the supervision of a physician. Specific needs should be considered as well as medical history.
Once you get assurance from a professional, you can follow these suggestions:
Start with a simple rule. The ideal way to stick to intermittent fasting without compromising your health is to start with a 12-hour fast, mainly in the evening.Don’t ignore calories. Depending on the rules you follow, you should control the calories you eat, but never give them up completely.Eat protein. Prioritize high-quality, well-absorbed protein. More specifically, those derived from animal foods.Follow physical activity habits. This improves results. Especially if you want to lose fat. It is best to include muscle strengthening exercises. Because as an adult, it’s normal to lose lean body mass.Stay hydrated and deplete electrolytes. This compensates for sodium and potassium that may have been lost during fasting. This can lead to ailments such as headaches, cramps, and fatigue.
Choose intermittent fasting options that work
You’ll notice that different types of intermittent fasting have periods of little or no food intake that last longer than 10 hours. You have the following options:
Every other day. This type of fasting is done on one day and not on another. For example, eat normal food today and limit sugary drinks tomorrow. Another method is to eat normally for two days and then fast, reducing your daily calorie intake to around 450 calories.Daily intervals. One of the most popular methods, daily intermittent fasting comes in different forms: 8/16, 6/18 and 12/12. Healthy foods should be eaten continuously for 8, 6 or 12 hours and on an empty stomach for 16, 18 or 12 hours.Fasting 5:2. This is a method of eating normal healthy foods for five days and then limiting your calorie intake to 500 or 600 calories for the next two days.24 hours. It involves fasting for 24 consecutive hours, once or twice a week. For example, from breakfast to breakfast.
Some types of fasting, such as 12/12 or 24-hour fasting, can be quite strict and can cause side effects: headaches, irritability, and fatigue. so, We should always consult our doctors.
Finally, remember that if you have gained professional approval, success will depend on how rigorously you execute it. This means you should make it a habit. Otherwise, you won’t get its benefits.
All cited sources are thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliographies included in this article are believed to be academically or scientifically reliable and accurate.
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#Women #implement #intermittent #fasting