Women can now swim topless in Berlin swimming pools

Women will now be able to swim topless in swimming pools in Berlin, announced Thursday, in the name of the fight against discrimination between men and women, the direction of the swimming pools of the German capital.

This announcement follows a referral to the Berlin office for the fight against discrimination by a woman who felt she was discriminated against compared to men who can swim bare-chested.

“Following the referral, the company Berliner Bäder-Betriebe will in future apply its rules of procedure and its rules of the baths in such a way as to respect gender equality”, announced the management in a press release.

“Bare-chested swimming will be possible in the future for females or for people with female chest types,” she said.

The anti-discrimination mediation service of the city of Berlin “warmly welcomed” this decision. “It is now a question of applying the regulations in a concrete way and of no longer pronouncing expulsion or prohibition of access”, argues its director, Doris Liebscher, in a press release.

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