Women – “Be courageous and shape your path” – 2024-03-12 14:15:41

The 2nd Female Business Leader Conference took place on Friday, International Women’s Day. This was organized by DialogUngarn and the DUHK in cooperation with the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs (VdU) and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum.

More than 160 female entrepreneurs and female managers discussed – as they did in 2023 at UniCredit’s Budapest headquarters – regarding the changing framework conditions in the economy, especially with regard to the employment of women. Among the participants was a 20-strong delegation of women entrepreneurs from the VdU, who, at the invitation of DialogUngarn, found out regarding Hungary as a business location as part of a business trip.

Great opportunities for women

Dr. Claudia Mayfeld, member of the board of Knorr-Bremse AG and the supervisory board of UniCredit, opened the conference. In her speech, she mentioned, among other things, the great opportunities that exist for women in the rapidly changing economic world, even if there is still a long way to go before equal participation. The economy needs the “resource” of women with their skills and knowledge. Her message to all women was: “Be courageous and shape your path”.

Discussions were made in the subsequent, by Barbara Zollmann (Managing Director, DUIHK), Chef Hedvig (Managing Director, SZPH Consulting) and Dr. Marie-Theres Thiell (Managing Director, DialogUngarn / Chairwoman, VdU Westphalia) moderated panels on three highly topical topics. Panel 1 discussed how digitalization is changing everyday company life. Daria Dodonova (CFO, Magyar Telekom), Nur H. Nezir (Managing Director, ABRAMS world trade wili), Bernhard Haider (National Managing Director, ALDI Magyarország) and Markus Hilken (Managing Director, SAP Labs Hungary) reported on digitalization projects in their companies. They showed how digitalization contributes to increasing quality and efficiency, but also requires change management and a culture change in order to bring all employees along, reduce fears and prepare for re-skilling.

Managers have to learn

In the second panel discussion Silke Janz (CFO, Member of the Management Board, Penny Market), Kinga Németh (HR Board, Audi Hungária), Katalin Márton (Managing Director, HR Solutions Agency) and the Undersecretary of State for Youth Affairs, Zsófia Nagy-Vargha, it became clear how important it is to use employees according to their strengths and to think in terms of roles instead of job descriptions. Managers also have to learn, because employers increasingly have to adapt to employees of different generations with different needs. The state, in turn, can create framework conditions that make it easier for mothers to return to work.

The third panel was regarding what still needs to be done so that women and men can participate equally in economic life. Robert Keszte (CEO, Continental Automotive Hungary), Agnes Vörös (Head of Human Resources, BASF Hungaria), Magdolna Tokai (Deputy CEO, Alteo) and Armin Krug (Partner, PWC) discussed the situation of female managers in their companies and presented notable examples of women in leadership positions – including in technical areas. Diverse teams are also relevant from a customer perspective in order to look at problems holistically. The panelists agreed that not only the commitment of women is needed, but also motivation from the company.


In summary, Barbara Zollmann said that empathetic leadership, creating meaning and change management are increasingly important leadership tasks. In working life, women must have the courage to take advantage of opportunities that arise, but also to clarify possible points of conflict in open discussions.

Networks and the visibility of female role models were encouraging and might show the next generations how career and family can work together. This is a joint task for men and women in business. It is therefore important to discuss and promote “women’s issues” together with men.

“We were therefore particularly pleased that colleagues also accepted our invitation as panelists and are proud of the female panelists, all of whom are role models in business,” added Dr. Marie Theres Thiell.

#Women #courageous #shape #path



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