Woman suffers severe infection all over her body after being bitten by a mosquito

2024-07-26 19:37:21

Briton Amy Wells, 37, suffered a severe allergic reaction after being bitten by a mosquito while traveling to the Caribbean.

In January 2023, Amy and her husband Charlie Wells, 27, went on vacation to the Dominican Republic, where they got engaged.

A few days after arriving, she woke up with a rash on her neck that quickly spread throughout her body. At the island’s hospital, he received an antibiotic called ceftriaxone, which is not typically used in the UK.

Because she didn’t speak Spanish, the British woman didn’t tell doctors she had been taking amoxicillin to treat a tooth infection. Amy was allowed to go home, but the effects of two medications combined with mosquito bites soon became apparent.

“It was hell on earth. The blisters covered my whole body, even my eyes and lips. It was very painful. People kept asking me if I had burned myself,” Amy told The Sun.

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She reported that during the 10-hour flight back to the UK, her thigh swelled and began to burn. “I suspected something was wrong. It felt like I was burning from the inside out. It was weird because I’ve never had any type of allergic reaction to anything,” he reported.

After returning home, Amy sought medical assistance and was taken to the emergency room at William Harvey Hospital. “While I was waiting for care, the blisters started to burst. There was fluid coming out of them. I was really scared,” he recalled.

Doctors said the wound on her leg may have been caused by a bite from a tiger mosquito, a close relative of the tiger mosquito. Aedes aegypti Can also spread dengue and Zika viruses.

After the blisters burst, Amy’s skin peeled off, but some wounds remained open. An allergy crisis caused by a drug interaction caused British women to lose their fingernails and toenails.

“Losing your hair was the hardest part because your hair really defines you. I looked in the mirror and thought, ‘That’s not me,'” he lamented.

The wound on his leg took three weeks to heal. Amy had to take nearly three months off work due to the severity of her symptoms.

“You never think something like this can happen to you. It’s a rare case and I’m healthy,” he concluded.

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