Woman reunites with her cat after 11 years missing (VIDEO)

WORLD.- Sam Sam the Kittycat Manan elderly cat with white and brown fur, became protagonist of an emotional moment after being reunited with his owner after staying 11 years missing.

Jennifer Ravenel, who lives in Charleston, South Carolina adopted a kitten in 2011 years ago. She found him when he was a baby, sheltered from the cold in a hollow that was in the trunk of a tree. He called him Sam, and the feline went from the street to a comfortable home.

However, one day in 2013, Sam disappearedA dog scared him and he disappeared. The woman looked for him everywhere, spoke to neighbors and people in the area, but she couldn’t find him. Jennifer didn’t hear anything more about him. She didn’t even know if he was dead.

All this time, the pet was wandering the streets, he was found malnourished and living in a wild colony.

Volunteers of the Charleston Animal Society from South Carolina, they found him and were able to identify him thanks to Jennifer placing a microchip in him.

YouTube video

Following Jennifer and Sam’s reunion, rescuers shared their story on social media on August 12.

“I really thought they were playing a joke on me, because it couldn’t be possible. This is a miracle in itself,” she said in a video recorded for the Charleston Animal Society’s social media.

The story of Jennifer and Sam became the living example of the Importance of microchip implantation and joined the long list of pets that were able to see their owners despite the years they were separated and today enjoys life with their owner.

Read: Passenger opens airplane emergency door and walks along the wing (VIDEO)

#Woman #reunites #cat #years #missing #VIDEO
2024-09-03 14:27:21



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