Woman killed by drinking coffee with insects – World

Drinking coffee at the airport of Majorca, Spain, cost a woman a lot. After drinking coffee from a vending machine, the woman’s condition worsened and she spent 36 hours in the intensive care unit.

The coffee taken from the vending machine had a large number of insects. By the time the woman finished the coffee, it was found that there were insects in it. Due to the lack of timely cleaning of the vending machine, it was infested with insects.

A 21-year-old woman is employed in an airline company. During the trip, he bought a cup of coffee from a vending machine at San Juan Airport near Majorca, the capital of the Spanish province of Palma, and drank it without looking.

According to the Spanish news website Ultima Hora, the woman noticed that the taste of the coffee had changed, but she continued to drink. Finally, when I saw the bottom of the coffee cup, there were many insects.