Woman in La Ceja gives birth without knowing she was pregnant, in a bathroom at the Clinic. What happened?

Photo: Courtesy

Photo: Courtesy

In an unexpected and surprising event, The San Juan de Dios Clinic in La Ceja witnessed an event that has moved both the medical staff and the community. An elderly woman, who did not know she was pregnant, gave birth to a healthy baby while she was in the bathroom of the clinic, after having gone to the Emergency Department due to severe abdominal pain.

According to the official statement issued by the institution, the woman arrived at the Emergency Room complaining of severe pain in the lower abdomen, without imagining that these symptoms were caused by the beginning of labor.

When she went to the clinic’s bathroom, the woman entered the expulsive phase of labor and gave birth to her son right there. Faced with this situation, the medical staff reacted immediately, providing first aid to both the mother and the newborn.

The baby, a male child, was born full term at 38 or 39 weeks gestation, and according to medical reports, sis in perfect health. Both mother and baby are being monitored and are expected to be discharged from the hospital in the coming hours.

The woman was completely unaware of her pregnancy. Throughout the entire gestational process, she did not present any symptoms that would make her suspect that she was expecting a baby.

The clinic, in its statement, highlighted the courage of the mother and the commitment of the medical staff, who have once again demonstrated their dedication to the lives and health of their patients.

This case, which began with abdominal pain on an ordinary afternoon, has culminated in the welcoming of a healthy baby, a true celebration of life.

2024-08-31 01:25:45
#Woman #Ceja #birth #knowing #pregnant #bathroom #Clinic #happened



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