Woman died suddenly while exercising in a gym

A young woman identified as Betsy Dayanna Jaramillo Ramírez, 25 years old, died suddenly while exercising in a gym. The tragedy occurred in Santa Rosa, Ecuador.

In a video broadcast on social networks, the young woman is seen doing squats with a weight disc, but suddenly he stopped and collapsed on the floor. Quickly, a group of people approached to try to revive her, but they failed.

In accordance with the local outlet TC Noticias, the victim, who was a regular customer of the establishment, She was transferred to a health center, but upon arrival, medical personnel confirmed that she had no vital signs.

The tragic event was recorded on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. The remains of the deceased were veiled in the Primero de Mayo park in said Ecuadorian city and buried in the general cemetery.

Noticiascaracol.com refrains from publishing the video due to its sensitive content, but if you want to see it you can here .

Another tragedy in a gym

In February of this year, a similar event occurred in a gym in Mexico City, when a woman tried to lift a 180-kilo discus bar. Nevertheless, the heavy object fell on his neck and he died in the place. The event was also captured on a security camera.

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