WKÖ head welcomes Brunner’s constructive approach

2023-07-09 15:53:32

Reject inheritance tax as poison for the middle class

Vienna (OTS) – Finance Minister Brunner emphasized in today’s press hour that profits are not a bad thing. They indicate a healthy business location. “This is the only way jobs can be created and maintained and, ultimately, taxes and duties can be raised. This is the only way our welfare state works,” says Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), welcoming Brunner’s statements.

In addition, the KöSt reduction is a measure that is positively received by companies and strengthens the willingness to invest in Austria. “We are a location that is heavily dependent on exports. Measures like these are needed to maintain our competitiveness and consequently expand it.” In view of the tense situation with regard to energy prices and inflation, according to Kopf, it is also important “to take measures that shape the business location in a sustainable way so that we not only are average, but in the top field. The taxes on performance are still too high, further regulatory approaches are needed here.”

According to Kopf, Brunner’s clear refusal of “taxes that are hostile to performance, such as inheritance and wealth tax, is very positive.” As Brunner explained, it was not without reason that the wealth tax was abolished by an SPÖ minister. The cost of such taxes is higher than the income, as the past shows. “Such anti-performance taxes should be strictly rejected. In addition, they are not targeted and always hit the middle class at the end of the day. Last but not least, an inheritance tax is poison for all family businesses,” said Kopf.

For the WKÖ, the goal of embarking on a sensible and future-oriented budget path is a positive signal for our business location. “In view of the important aid measures for the domestic economy during the Corona crisis, it is now time to reduce the state budget to a reasonable and sustainable level,” said Kopf. The WKÖ is actively involved in creating a sustainable and prosperous business location for all Austrian companies. (PWK223)

Questions & contact:

Sebastian Winter
Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Spokesman for the Secretary General
T 0590900 4462
E sebastian.winter@wko.at

#WKÖ #welcomes #Brunners #constructive #approach



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