Witnesses wanted: local guest attacked with beer glass

2023-12-02 11:02:36

The two men got into an argument at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday night in a bar in Linz’s old town. This escalated and a 30-year-old from Linz showered his opponent with beer. He then hit the 30-year-old in the face with a beer glass. The man from Linz was injured and taken to the Kepler University Hospital by ambulance. Since the two men did not know each other before, the 30-year-old was unable to provide any information about the identity of the attacker. An immediate search was negative. The police are therefore asking for information. The man is said to be between 25 and 35 years old, his hair was tied in a ponytail and he was wearing metal clothing.


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#Witnesses #wanted #local #guest #attacked #beer #glass

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