Without losing her style, Mariana Rodríguez helps clean up the damage in the Government Palace of NL after the 8M march

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Without losing her style, Mariana Rodríguez helps clean up the damage in the Government Palace of NL after the 8M march The wife of the governor of New Lion, Mariana Rodriguez Cantujoined the cleaning and repair work after the damage left by some of the attendees of the 8M march in the State Government Palace.

Through several stories on her Instagram account, the head of the office LOVE Nuevo Leonis seen with heels, pants and jacket sweeping the debris in one of the halls of the building.


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In the other clip, Mariana removes and collects broken glass from the doors damaged by the participants in the march for International Women’s Day.

In the videos, the influencer is also seen climbing a railing barefoot, with the help of a security element, to remove part of the broken glass that remained at the top of the window.


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As part of the damage, Governor Samuel García reported three broken stained glass windows, 2 damaged wooden doors and various graffiti on the walls both inside and outside the Palace.

These damages, he pointed out, will be at his own expense and he will not use any public resources for it.



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