Without an application at ATMs, the accuracy check for 2.3 million beneficiaries – Who are left out?

The days are approaching for the payment of the accuracy check to 2.3 million beneficiaries and without the need to submit an application on their part.

The four categories of beneficiaries who will see light on their accounts this year are the following:

800,000 beneficiaries of OPECA’s child benefit will receive an additional one and a half installments of child benefit. The total amount that a family with three children will receive in December ranges from 280 to 700 euros.

1.055 million pensioners who do not have a personal difference or have less than 10 euros and receive a sum of main pensions up to 700 euros, will receive an extraordinary aid of 150 euros. They will also receive an increase in their pensions from 1-1-2024.

210,000 beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income will receive an additional 50% of the monthly allowance. From December, as announced, the minimum guaranteed income is increasing by 8%. A family of four will receive a total of 648 euros in December (initial allowance + 8% increase + extraordinary allowance).

225,000 beneficiaries of the OPECA disability allowance, the non-institutional allowance and other disability allowances of the e-EFKA will receive a support of 200 euros.

The long-term unemployed remain without payment.

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