Without a record, no one wants to treat their dog hit by a car

A Trois-Rivières woman came close to losing her dog when no clinic wanted to treat her following she was hit by a car.

While she is in Saguenay for work, she learns that her dog has had a serious accident.

“I get a call from my dad telling me that Bella has been beaten up, I immediately started contacting several clinics in the area. It’s simple, I was told: no file, no consultation, ”laments Lara Martin.

After contacting three clinics in Mauricie, without success, she tells her father to go to Saint-Hyacinthe, where the university hospital center of the veterinary faculty is located, which provides emergency care.


On the way to Saint-Hyacinthe, his father realizes that the 5.5-month-old Australian Shepherd is losing a lot of blood.

“It was then that my father told me that she would not surrender and that he was turning back to go and bury her at home,” explains Ms. Martin.

Dog hit by a car - veterinary file

Photo courtesy of Lara Martin

After hanging up, she contacts a fourth clinic in extremis, which agrees to treat her urgently.

Bella is operated on there the same day, and receives skin grafts to reattach the severed parts on her legs.


A week following the events, Lara Martin is still having difficulty explaining how such a situation might have happened.

Fortunately, Bella is now better.

Photo courtesy of Lara Martin

Fortunately, Bella is now better.

“It’s inhuman that we can’t have a veterinarian to treat our animals,” she adds.

The mistress is relieved, however, to find that Bella is recovering well from her injuries. The little dog was able to start running and playing as usual following this traumatic accident.



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